30 packages
Welcome to the homepage of the GeoTools build process In the left side bar you should see a list of active modules, visit each for more details on the status of each module.
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GeoTools extensions provide additional capabilities built using the core library.
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GeoTools plug-ins provide additional services to the core library using ServiceLocator.
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Modules to support creation of complex feature types defined in a GML application schema
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Implementation of DataStore allowing geotools code to work with an OGC Web Feature Service. Offers client code for WFS 1.0 and WFS 1.1.
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Efficiently read GML geometry elements using StAX in a streaming manner. No writing.
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The grid module allows users to create vector grids (also known as lattices) that can be used for display and analysis.
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A FeatureSource/FeatureStore wrapper that can rename attributes, hide others, and create new ones by applying expressions on the wrapped ones
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Support for resolution of GML application schemas obtained from an OASIS Catalog, the Java classpath, or cached network download.
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Connection to an embedded EPSG database in HSQL format. This database is built from the SQL scripts delivered by EPSG.
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Grid coverage reader for image georeferenced by a world file. File format consists of consisting of a plain image and a "sidecar" world file to georeference the image, a and projection file file to indicate the coordinate reference system used.