means a (green) main board in the game console box. It integrates MAME emulator as a game engine, encodes video/audio frames MAME renders and provides IPC or TCP channels for Orakki to fetch the encoded data. (It's the same for player control data) It's built with Rust.
Gipan needs Nanomsg so that it delivers image frames and takes keyboard events with orakki.
For more details about Nanomsg,
$ git clone
$ mkdir -p nanomsg/build
$ cd nanomsg/build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .
$ ctest .
$ sudo cmake --build . --target install
# For Linux
$ apt-get install -y \
libvpx-dev \
# For MacOS
$ brew install libvpx
$ brew install libopusenc
You should get your own MAME game roms due to some license issues. Place the roms under ./roms
$ cargo build
# For release
$ cargo build --release
# If using Makefile
$ make build_dbg
$ make build_rel
$ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=../mame RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run -- \
--imageframe-output ipc://./images.ipc \
--soundframe-output ipc://./sounds.ipc \
--cmd-input ipc://./cmds.ipc \
--resolution 480x320 \
--fps 23 \
--keyframe-interval 48 \
--game dino
# Or with Makefile
$ make run_dbg
$ make run_rel