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WMS ID: 11615 - Oracle Integration 3 - Get Started with Healthcare (#51)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* stale files deleted

* manifest changes

* product name and table name changes

* url escape fix

* Created separate workshops

Created separate workshops

* fixed code block

* code block fix

* deleted sample live labs folder and related files

* remove stale file server file

* Getting started review

Getting started review

* Common section self review

Common section self review

* Self review

Self review of POEvent coobook

* Sep 12 Business Services

Sep 12 Business Services self review

* experiential lab

experiential lab

* corecomp


* QA completed first round

QA completed first round

* help and title

help and title

* Business service self review

Business service self review

* Only Realtime sync

Only Realtime sync

* Self QA

Self QA

* Lab number

Lab number

* workshop title

workshop title

* Update manifest.json

added title

* Update manifest.json

added title

* self qa

self qa

* Update

modified as per review comments

* pre req

pre req

* Update manifest.json

removed other livelab link

* FBDI Import

FBDI Import Sep 26 22

* Intro

Intro link added

* links

links added

* Get Started

Get Started added and FBDI removed

* comments by Kishore

review comments by Kishore

* Title change in create flow

Title change in create flow

* Format changes in all the labs and minor modifications in run-demo

* removed images

removed images which are not required

* experiential lab

experiential lab

* experiential lab

experiential lab

* freetier removed

freetier has been removed

* experiential review

experiential review

* Review comments provided by Ravi

Review comments provided by Ravi

* help email

help email

* Title change

Title change

* tile synch with wms

tile synch with wms

* changes to meet standards

changes done to meet standards

* pointed to correct md file

pointed to correct md file

* FBDI Import

FBDI Import

* Review of FBDI Import

Review of FBDI Import

* Title Change as per WMS title

Title Change as per WMS title

* Moved folder structure

Moved folder structure under ERP Cloud

* Bulk Extract and links modified in other labs

Bulk Extract and links modified in other labs

* Bulk extract

Bulk extract

* foldernamestolowercase

folder names to lowercase

* Update

* folder names

folder names

* Feedback by anoosha

Feedback by anoosha and implemented by Subhani

* Indent

Indent in all the workshops

* File2ObjectStorage

File moved to ObjectStorage

* review of core core-competencies

review of core core-competencies workshop as per latest release

* experiential review

experiential review

* updated on Jan 7th

Modified as per the latest version and also file references to the object storage

* Jan 9

Jan 9 as per the new UI

* BIP Report

BIP Report

* opa dp update

* DP Footer summary

* task 12 fixed instructions

* BIP report

BIP report and links in bulk extract

* Delete tracinglevel.png

* Update of objectstorage ref

Update of objectstorage ref

* Update

* Feb 6

Feb 6 update

* Feb 06

Feb 06

* Feb 07

Feb 07

* Atomfeed


* Atomfeeds


* atomfeeds lab

atomfeeds lab

* Atomfeeds


* AtomFeed

AtomFeed Feb 16

* Update

* Feb 17th update

Feb 17th update

* Feb 17th update

Feb 17th update

* Feb 17th links

Feb 17th : video hub links update

* intro update

intro update

* Intro updated

Intro updated

* Update

* File server update

File server update

* object storage link

object storage link updated

* hcm-cloud bulkimport lab

* intro section change

* title change

* intro changes

* title change

* code block changes

* code block fix

* escape characters fix

* escape character fix

* syntax fix

* review by Kishore

review by Kishore

* review

review by Subhani Mar 08

* QA By Kishore

* qa business services ll

* image fix business services ll

* BIP Report setup

BIP Report setup

* Update

* qa bulk extract

* Updates as suggested by LiveLabs QA

* qa directory sync

* qa get started. fixed oic3 provision path

* qa getstarted fixed file server path

* typo


* Minor spell check bulk import

* spell check

spell check

* exp lab prereqs

exp lab prereqs

* ERP extract ll. fixed Configure certificates md reference in manifest

* spell check

* Feedback

Feedback from Bootcamp and Ingrid and Lucy

* LL understand rest adapter-first branch commit

* minor update

* bucket changes

* image fix

* pr corrections

* pr rec changes

* lab fixes post ORDS version changes

* fixed the ords pl/sql code

* folder structure commit for cloud world usecase

* Updated as per the latest release

Updated as per the latest release

* OPA flow

OPA flow

* naming convention

naming convention

* Aug 02

Aug 02 modification, done until creating structured process.

* Aug 02

Aug 02 modification

* Aug 03 modifications

Aug 03 modifications

* Aug 04 modification

Aug 04 modification

* Aug 05

Aug 05

* Aug 05 changes

Aug 05 changes

* Aug 07 noon

Aug 07 noon

* final review

final review

* intro,getstarted,lab1,2,3,4 additions

* subhanis work opa commit

* Vijayas ODA changes

* connector url

connector url

* ODA peer review

ODA peer review

* Aug 09 peer review 8pm

Aug 09 peer review 8pm

* create oda

create oda

* oda and integrations fix

* section added:opa add app roles to users

* opa peer review KK

* peer review changes

peer review changes

* Peer review changes

Peer review changes

* architecture diagram added

* Peer review Aug 11

Peer review Aug 11

* Peer review Aug 11

Peer review Aug 11

* title change

* Integration style modification

Integration style modification

* Peer review

Peer review

* oda changes and image updates -KK

* Aug 12

Aug 12

* remove opa folder

remove opa folder

* Removed OIC Flow

Removed OIC Flow

* added opa and oic flows

added opa and oic flows

* duration


* conclusion sections added to all labs

* link fixed

* fixed copy tags

* table properties updated

* image link and naming convention fixed

* image references fix

* image name ll qa compliance

* oda qa compliance fixes

* copy tag allignment fix

* copy text image allignment fix

* ocw folder addition for getting started oic 3

* ocw folder update and minor instruction fixes

* ocw folder update and instruction fix

* ocw update and additional info added

* minor change of po creation in erp cloud

* fixed xpath filter expression,cloud shell,lab sequence swaps to meet pre conf requirements

* critical changes per product updates

* changed the adw deployment type to serverless

* architecture ocw template

* Oct 03 changes

Oct 03 changes. by Subhani

* HCM Updates done

HCM Updates done

* Common modification

Common modification

* Oct 10

Oct 10 bulk extract, bip report and events

* Oct 11

Oct 11 updates

* Oct 11 changes

Oct 11 changes

* new LL hcm journeys booster opa

* added get started section

* minor edit

* added couple of tasks in get started section

* filename corrections

* PAR resources link

PAR resources link

* get started hc lab

* underscore issues

* lab numbering fixed

* title fix


Co-authored-by: Subhani Sahib Italapuram <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Subhani Sahib Italapuram <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ravi Chablani <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Hope Fisher <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
5 people authored Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 0bfde5a commit f7cf0ba
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Showing 53 changed files with 1,997 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
# Create Connections

## Introduction

This Lab will walk you through the steps to create an MLLP Adapter connection and REST adapter connection.

Estimated Time: 60 minutes

### Objectives
In this lab, you will:
- Create an MLLP Adapter Connection to Receive from HL7 EMR system and Send Messages to Pathology systems
- Create a REST Adapter connection to invoke a FHIR Test Server available in public repository
- Create lookups to map telecom use, gender, equipment to system and processor routes
- Create Documents based on Standard HL7 2.3.1 and 2.5 schema

### Prerequisites
This lab assumes you have:
- Completed all the previous labs.

## Task 1: Create Healthcare Project
Create a Project which provides a single unified workspace for all stakeholders to design, manage, and monitor integrations. Additionally, projects provide robust life-cycle management.

1. In the left Navigation pane of OIC, Click *Projects* and Click *Add*, then *Create*

2. In the **Create Project** dialog, enter the following information and click on *Create*:

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | Healthcare ADT Project |
| Identifier | Generated automatically |
| Description | Project for OIC Healthcare ADT LiveLabs |
{: title="Create Project"}

![Create Project](images/create-project.png)

## Task 2: Create MLLP Trigger Connection
Create a connection using MLLP Adapter. The MLLP Adapter provides the following capabilities:
- Works in conjunction with the healthcare action to provide the following integration support
- Incoming (trigger) - For scenarios in which the healthcare action translates an HL7 formatted-message to an XML message understood by Oracle Integration
- Outgoing (invoke) - For scenarios in which the healthcare action translates an XML message to an HL7-formatted message understood by the HL7 application.

Runs directly in the connectivity agent to support connectivity to remote healthcare applications such as emergency medical records (EMRs), hospital management systems, laboratory information systems, and others.

1. In the **Project** page, select *Add* from the **Connections** tile.

2. From the List of Adapters, search for **MLLP** and Select *MLLP* adapter.

3. In the **Create Connection** page provide below and click *Create*

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | HC RECEIVE HL7 |
| Identifier | Generated automatically |
| Role | Trigger |
| Description | Receive HL7 messages for processing |
{: title="Create Connection"}

5. In the Connection Configuration page provide below information

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Listener Port | 2100 |
| Role | Trigger |
| Connectivity Agent | Select *Associate agent group* and the Select Agent Group configured in the previous section. Click *Use* |
{: title="MLLP Trigger Connection Configuration"}

![Configure MLLP Trigger Connection](images/configure-connection-properties.png)

6. Click *Save* and *Test* the connection. Exit the connection canvas by clicking the back button on the top left side of the screen.

## Task 3: Create MLLP Invoke Connection
Create a connection using MLLP Adapter.

1. In the **Project** page, select *Add* from the **Connections** tile.

2. From the List of Adapters, search for **MLLP** and Select *MLLP* adapter.

3. In the **Create Connection** page provide below and click *Create*

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | HC SEND HL7 |
| Identifier | Generated automatically |
| Role | Invoke |
| Description | Send HL7 messages to Pathology system |
{: title="Create Connection"}

5. In the Connection Configuration page provide below information

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Client IP | |
| Client Port | 2500 |
| Connectivity Agent | Select *Associate agent group* and the Select Agent Group configured in the previous section. Click *Use* |
{: title="MLLP Invoke Connection Configuration"}

![Configure MLLP Trigger Connection](images/configure-connection-properties.png)

6. Click *Save* and *Test* the connection. Exit the connection canvas by clicking the back button on the top left side of the screen.

## Task 4: Create Processor REST Interface Trigger
Create a connection using REST Adapter to Interface Processor Child Integration.

1. In the **Project** page created previously, select *Add* from the **Connections** tile.

2. From the List of Adapters, search for **REST** and Select *REST* adapter.

3. In the **Create Connection** page provide below and click *Create*

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | Processor REST Interface |
| Role | Trigger |
| Description | Processor REST Interface Connection for Child Integration |
{: title="Rest Interface Connection"}

Keep all other values as default.

4. In the *Configuration* page, enter the following information:

| **Field** | **Values** |
|Security Policy | OAuth 2.0 Or Basic Authentication |
{: title="Rest Interface Connection Properties"}

5. Click on *Test* and wait until you receive a confirmation box that the test was successful.

6. Click *Save* and wait for the confirmation box. Exit the connection canvas by clicking the back button on the top left side of the screen.

## Task 5: Create REST Connection to invoke FHIR API
Create a connection using REST Adapter to invoke FHIR API

1. In the **Project** page created previously, select *Add* from the **Connections** tile.

2. From the List of Adapters, search for **REST** and Select *REST* adapter.

3. In the **Create Connection** page provide below and click *Create*

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | HAPI FHIR Test Server |
| Role | Invoke |
| Description | REST Connection for FHIR Test Server |
{: title="Rest Connection"}

Keep all other values as default.

4. In the *Configuration* page, enter the following information:

| **Field** | **Values** |
|Connection Type | REST API Base URL |
|Connection URL | |
|Security Policy | No Security Policy |
{: title="Rest Connection Properties"}

5. Click on *Test* and wait until you receive a confirmation box that the test was successful.

6. Click *Save* and wait for the confirmation box. Exit the connection canvas by clicking the back button on the top left side of the screen.

## Task 6: Create Lookups

1. In the **Project** page, select *Add* from the **Lookups** tile and Click *Create*.

2. In the Create Lookup dialog provide **Name** as *HL7\_to\_FHIR\_Equipment\_to\_System* and click *Create*

3. Change the name of the domain\_name\_1 to **HL7\_Telecom\_Equipment**. Similarly, edit the name of the domain\_name\_2 to **FHIR\_Telecom\_System**.
Provide the values below and *Save* the lookup.
![Configure HL7 Equipment System Lookup](images/lkp-hl7-equipment-system.png)

4. Refer to the [downloaded]( artifacts. In the unzipped folder refer the **lookups** folder for csv files. Use each of csv to create separate lookups by importing the same from the lookups section in the Project.
- HL7\_to\_FHIR\_Gender\_Map.csv
- HL7\_to\_FHIR\_Telecom\_Use.csv
- HL7ProcessorRoutes.csv

5. Finally, four lookups are created.
![List of Lookups](images/list-of-lookups.png)

## Task 7: Create Healthcare Documents

1. Click on *Navigator* &gt; *Healthcare*, Select *Documents*

2. Create 2 documents with Standard as HL7 2.3.1 and 2.5

3. Select *Create* and provide the below values and *Save* the document

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | A08\_PATIENT\_UPDATE\_2\_3\_1 |
| Document Standard | HL7V2 |
| Document Version | 2.3.1 |
| Document Type | ADT_A08 (Update patient information) |
{: title="HL7 V 2.3.1 Document"}

4. Similarly, create another document with below values

| **Field** | **Value** |
| --- | ----------- |
| Name | A08\_PATIENT\_UPDATE\_2\_5 |
| Document Standard | HL7V2 |
| Document Version | 2.5 |
| Document Type | ADT_A08 (Update patient information) |
{: title="HL7 V 2.5 Document"}

Note: You can also create Document based on Customized Schema and use the same in Healthcare action.

You may now **proceed to the next lab**.

## Learn More

* [MLLP Adapter Capabilities](
* [Create Healthcare Document](

## Acknowledgements
* **Author** - Kishore Katta, Director Product Management - Oracle Integration & OPA
* **Last Updated By/Date** - Kishore Katta, March 2024
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