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WMS ID 11502: Enhancing HCM Cloud Journeys with OCI Process Automation (
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history

* fixed images

* POEvent review

POEvent review under ERP cookbook

* Stan's peer review

* Business services review

Cookbook Business services review

* live lab compliance pass

* qa compliance

* formatting issues

* grammarly check

* stale files deleted

* manifest changes

* product name and table name changes

* url escape fix

* Created separate workshops

Created separate workshops

* fixed code block

* code block fix

* deleted sample live labs folder and related files

* remove stale file server file

* Getting started review

Getting started review

* Common section self review

Common section self review

* Self review

Self review of POEvent coobook

* Sep 12 Business Services

Sep 12 Business Services self review

* experiential lab

experiential lab

* corecomp


* QA completed first round

QA completed first round

* help and title

help and title

* Business service self review

Business service self review

* Only Realtime sync

Only Realtime sync

* Self QA

Self QA

* Lab number

Lab number

* workshop title

workshop title

* Update manifest.json

added title

* Update manifest.json

added title

* self qa

self qa

* Update

modified as per review comments

* pre req

pre req

* Update manifest.json

removed other livelab link

* FBDI Import

FBDI Import Sep 26 22

* Intro

Intro link added

* links

links added

* Get Started

Get Started added and FBDI removed

* comments by Kishore

review comments by Kishore

* Title change in create flow

Title change in create flow

* Format changes in all the labs and minor modifications in run-demo

* removed images

removed images which are not required

* experiential lab

experiential lab

* experiential lab

experiential lab

* freetier removed

freetier has been removed

* experiential review

experiential review

* Review comments provided by Ravi

Review comments provided by Ravi

* help email

help email

* Title change

Title change

* tile synch with wms

tile synch with wms

* changes to meet standards

changes done to meet standards

* pointed to correct md file

pointed to correct md file

* FBDI Import

FBDI Import

* Review of FBDI Import

Review of FBDI Import

* Title Change as per WMS title

Title Change as per WMS title

* Moved folder structure

Moved folder structure under ERP Cloud

* Bulk Extract and links modified in other labs

Bulk Extract and links modified in other labs

* Bulk extract

Bulk extract

* foldernamestolowercase

folder names to lowercase

* Update

* folder names

folder names

* Feedback by anoosha

Feedback by anoosha and implemented by Subhani

* Indent

Indent in all the workshops

* File2ObjectStorage

File moved to ObjectStorage

* review of core core-competencies

review of core core-competencies workshop as per latest release

* experiential review

experiential review

* updated on Jan 7th

Modified as per the latest version and also file references to the object storage

* Jan 9

Jan 9 as per the new UI

* BIP Report

BIP Report

* opa dp update

* DP Footer summary

* task 12 fixed instructions

* BIP report

BIP report and links in bulk extract

* Delete tracinglevel.png

* Update of objectstorage ref

Update of objectstorage ref

* Update

* Feb 6

Feb 6 update

* Feb 06

Feb 06

* Feb 07

Feb 07

* Atomfeed


* Atomfeeds


* atomfeeds lab

atomfeeds lab

* Atomfeeds


* AtomFeed

AtomFeed Feb 16

* Update

* Feb 17th update

Feb 17th update

* Feb 17th update

Feb 17th update

* Feb 17th links

Feb 17th : video hub links update

* intro update

intro update

* Intro updated

Intro updated

* Update

* File server update

File server update

* object storage link

object storage link updated

* hcm-cloud bulkimport lab

* intro section change

* title change

* intro changes

* title change

* code block changes

* code block fix

* escape characters fix

* escape character fix

* syntax fix

* review by Kishore

review by Kishore

* review

review by Subhani Mar 08

* QA By Kishore

* qa business services ll

* image fix business services ll

* BIP Report setup

BIP Report setup

* Update

* qa bulk extract

* Updates as suggested by LiveLabs QA

* qa directory sync

* qa get started. fixed oic3 provision path

* qa getstarted fixed file server path

* typo


* Minor spell check bulk import

* spell check

spell check

* exp lab prereqs

exp lab prereqs

* ERP extract ll. fixed Configure certificates md reference in manifest

* spell check

* Feedback

Feedback from Bootcamp and Ingrid and Lucy

* LL understand rest adapter-first branch commit

* minor update

* bucket changes

* image fix

* pr corrections

* pr rec changes

* lab fixes post ORDS version changes

* fixed the ords pl/sql code

* folder structure commit for cloud world usecase

* Updated as per the latest release

Updated as per the latest release

* OPA flow

OPA flow

* naming convention

naming convention

* Aug 02

Aug 02 modification, done until creating structured process.

* Aug 02

Aug 02 modification

* Aug 03 modifications

Aug 03 modifications

* Aug 04 modification

Aug 04 modification

* Aug 05

Aug 05

* Aug 05 changes

Aug 05 changes

* Aug 07 noon

Aug 07 noon

* final review

final review

* intro,getstarted,lab1,2,3,4 additions

* subhanis work opa commit

* Vijayas ODA changes

* connector url

connector url

* ODA peer review

ODA peer review

* Aug 09 peer review 8pm

Aug 09 peer review 8pm

* create oda

create oda

* oda and integrations fix

* section added:opa add app roles to users

* opa peer review KK

* peer review changes

peer review changes

* Peer review changes

Peer review changes

* architecture diagram added

* Peer review Aug 11

Peer review Aug 11

* Peer review Aug 11

Peer review Aug 11

* title change

* Integration style modification

Integration style modification

* Peer review

Peer review

* oda changes and image updates -KK

* Aug 12

Aug 12

* remove opa folder

remove opa folder

* Removed OIC Flow

Removed OIC Flow

* added opa and oic flows

added opa and oic flows

* duration


* conclusion sections added to all labs

* link fixed

* fixed copy tags

* table properties updated

* image link and naming convention fixed

* image references fix

* image name ll qa compliance

* oda qa compliance fixes

* copy tag allignment fix

* copy text image allignment fix

* ocw folder addition for getting started oic 3

* ocw folder update and minor instruction fixes

* ocw folder update and instruction fix

* ocw update and additional info added

* minor change of po creation in erp cloud

* fixed xpath filter expression,cloud shell,lab sequence swaps to meet pre conf requirements

* critical changes per product updates

* changed the adw deployment type to serverless

* architecture ocw template

* Oct 03 changes

Oct 03 changes. by Subhani

* HCM Updates done

HCM Updates done

* Common modification

Common modification

* Oct 10

Oct 10 bulk extract, bip report and events

* Oct 11

Oct 11 updates

* Oct 11 changes

Oct 11 changes

* new LL hcm journeys booster opa

* added get started section

* minor edit

* added couple of tasks in get started section

* filename corrections


Co-authored-by: Subhani Sahib Italapuram <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Subhani Sahib Italapuram <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ravi Chablani <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
4 people authored Oct 24, 2023
1 parent 3fb07e6 commit c2bca31
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Showing 78 changed files with 1,850 additions and 1 deletion.
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Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ In this lab, you will:

5. Choose a deployment type. Select the deployment type for your database from the choices:

- __Shared Infrastructure__ - For this lab, choose __Shared Infrastructure__ as the deployment type.
- __Serverless__ - For this lab, choose __Serverless__ as the deployment type.
- __Dedicated Infrastructure__ - Or, you could have chosen Dedicated Infrastructure as the deployment type.

Expand Down
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# Assign HCM Journey to Employee

## Introduction

This lab walks through the end user experience for the employee actor in the runtime interaction with the HCM Journey Booster experience.

Previously the Journey template has been setup to be a standalone Journey, but the tasks can be integrated into larger Journeys and not stand alone.

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

### Objectives

In this lab, you will:
* Allocate new HCM Journey to employee

### Prerequisites

Setup and Configure HCM Cloud Journey Template

## Task 1: Allocate new HCM Journey to employee

1. In the HCM Cloud Select Navigator &gt; Me &gt; Journeys

On the *Explore* tab of HCM Journeys in the search entry box, enter **Uniform**. This will return the newly created Uniform Request Journey created in the previous section.

![Select Uniform Journey](images/select-uniform-journey.png)

2. Assign the Journey to self (for test purposes) or assign to intended/target user by the **Add to My Journeys** add New Journey Icon
![Assign Journey](images/assign-journey.png)

3. Navigate to the My Journeys tab

4. Select the **LL Uniform Request*** Journey

5. Expand the Initiate Uniform Request task
![Initiate Uniform Request](images/initiate-uniform-request.png)

6. Select *Start* from **More Actions**
This will initiate Uniform Request process in Booster, and display a Request processing notification
![Start Task](images/start-task.png)

7. Select *Done*, to mark the task as Complete.
![Start Task Done](images/start-task-done.png)

![Initiate Uniform Request Done](images/initiate-uniform-request-done.png)

8. An email notification will have been sent to the employee per the flow, notifying of need to complete the Uniform Selection.
![Uniform Request Submit](images/select-uniform-form-submit.png)
Once the uniform selection has been completed, the user will select Submit. This will move the process forward to the approval task.

9. Approval of Uniform Request
![Approve Uniform Request](images/review-uniform-request.png)
An approval notification is sent to the individual in the organization responsible for approving uniforms. They can action the approval via the notification or by entering the Booster product and reviewing the workspace tasks.

10. Worker checks status in HCM Journey while Process is in progress, they will receive the response as **Request Processing**.

11. Once the Process has been completed, a completed message will be returned and the Worker can make the task as **Done**.

## Learn More

## Acknowledgements
* **Author** - Kishore Katta, Product Management, Oracle Integration & OCI Process Automation
* **Last Updated By/Date** - Kishore Katta, October 2023
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# Create a new HCM Journey

## Introduction

This lab guides through the steps to setup the HCM Journey Booster use case, and configuration of the Journey within HCM to trigger and monitor the process.

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

### Objectives

In this lab, you will:
* Setup and Configure HCM Journey Booster use case within HCM Cloud
- Register process in HCM journeys
- Create a journey using an OPA Process

### Prerequisites

Access to the instance of HCM with a user that has the Role Manage Journey By HR. (PER_MANAGE_JOURNEY_BY_HR_PRIV) Allows HR specialists to access and manage worker journeys.

## Task 1: Register Process in HCM Journeys

1. In the **Setup and Maintenance** work area, select Functional Area *Workforce Information*

2. Select the Checklist Integration
![Select Checklist Integrations Task](images/check-listIntegrations-selection.png)

This will open the Configure Checklist Integration page listing any existing integrations configured for HCM Journeys.

3. Select *Add* which will open the **Integration Details** page.

4. Enter the values as shown in the table.

|Field| Type | Value |
|--| -- | -- |
|Integration Category| Drop down |OPA|
|Integration Type| Drop down | Structured process|
|Integration Code |Text entry| LLUniformSelection|
|Application Name |Drop down| LLEmployeeUniformRequest|
|Process Name| Drop down| UniformSelection|
{: title="Integration Details Properties"}

5. Check the *Enable and send information* for process automation integration
![Configure Integration](images/configure-integration.png)

6. Select *Validate*
HCM Journeys will return a status of Success under Validate Integration Details

7. Select Save and Close

## Task 2: Create a journey using an OPA Process

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
* Functional Area: Workforce Information
* Task: Checklist Templates
![Checklist Template](images/checklist-template.png)

2. On the **Checklist Templates** page, click *Create* to open the Create Checklists page.

3. In the dialog shown, Enter the values as shown in the table.

|Field| Type |Value|
|--| -- |--|
|Name| Text| LL Uniform Request|
|Description |Text| This Journey is used to make a new employee uniform request.|
|Category| Drop down |Person|
{: title="Checklist Template Properties"}

All other values can be left as default.

4. Select *OK*

5. Select *Tasks* tab from the menu and then to create a new task.

6. On the **Create Task** page, enter the values as shown in the table

|Field| Type| Value|
|--| --| -- |
|Name| Text | LL Initiate Uniform Request|
|Sequence| Text| |1|
|Description| Text| This task starts the uniform request process|
|Required| Check |Checked|
|Task Type| Drop down| Process Automation|
|Process Section| Drop down| Process Section 1 – Start Process|
|Process Configuration| Drop down| LL Uniform Selection|
{: title="Create Task Properties"}

Expire 10 days after assigned date

All other values can be left as default.

7. Select *Save and Close*

8. Next click to create another new task.

9. On the **Create Task** page, enter the values as shown in the table
|Field| Type| Value|
|Name| Text| Check the uniform request process status|
|Sequence| Text |2|
|Description| Text| This task checks the status uniform request process|
|Required| Check| Checked|
|Task Type| Drop down| Process Automation|
|Process Section| Drop down| Process Section 2 – Check Process Status|
|Process Configuration| Drop down| LL Uniform Selection|
{: title="Create Task Properties"}

Expire 10 days after assigned date

All other values can be left as default.

10. Select *Save and Close*, returning to the Tasks list for the Checklist Uniform Request Journey template.
The tasks created
![Tasks Created](images/tasks-created.png)

11. On the General tab, select *Active* for the **Status** of the checklist.

12. Select *Save and Close*, returning to the Checklist Templates summary page.

You may now **proceed to the next lab**.

## Learn More

* [Integrate With OPA In Journeys](

## Acknowledgements
* **Author** - Kishore Katta, Product Management, Oracle Integration & OCI Process Automation
* **Last Updated By/Date** - Kishore Katta, October 2023
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# Create Process Application

## Introduction

This lab shows you how to create a employee uniform request application from scratch in OPA using a Structured Process.

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

### Background

Process applications that you create from scratch in Designer can consist of one or more of the following application components:

- Processes are a sequence of tasks or activities that result in a well-defined outcome. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) elements within the process define the flow and behavior of the application.

- Web Forms define the interface that your application users see in Workspace. You can create web forms from the ground up or you can base them on an existing data structure.

- Business Types represent real-world concepts or objects, such as a ticket, a request, or an employee. You use business types to create the data structures that are required in your application.

- Decisions are containers for if/then rules and decision tables that use the same input and output data objects. A decision exposes these data objects as a reusable service that multiple business processes can invoke.

- Connectors define how a business process connects to external REST services.

### Objectives

In this lab, you will:
* Create a Employee Uniform request Application

### Prerequisites

Access to an OCI Process Automation instance in conjunction with a subscription to a Fusion-based Oracle Cloud Applications service

## Task 1: Create a Process Application in Designer

A process application is a container for key components: processes, forms, connectors, and roles.

![List process applications](images/list-process-applications.png)

1. Login into OPA design time environment. Open the **Process Applications** page.

2. Click *Create*. The **Create Application** side pane opens.

3. Enter information into the **Create Application** dialog box replacing ## with your initials or another unique value.

| Field | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Title and Description | ##EmployeeUniformRequest | Make sure the application **Title** and **Description** are useful. Give the user a good idea of what the application is all about and why they might want to use it. Good Titles and Descriptions help users distinguish applications with a similar title or purpose. You can’t change the name after the application is created.|
| Identifier Name | ##EmployeeUniformRequest | System generated value that can be edited. |
| Version Tag | 1.0 (Default) | System generated value that can be edited.|
{: title="Create Application Dialog"}

4. Click *Create*.
![Create Application](images/create-app-dialog.png)

This will add a new application to the Process Applications list on the OPA home page.

You may now **proceed to the next lab**.

## Learn More

* [Design Structured Processes](
* [Design Forms and User Interfaces](
* [Explore Workspace](
* [Work with Connectors](

## Acknowledgements
* **Author** - Kishore Katta, Product Management, Oracle Integration & OCI Process Automation
* **Last Updated By/Date** - Kishore Katta, October 2023
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