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Toast is a Python-based CLI utility with a plugin architecture that simplifies the use of CLI tools for AWS, Kubernetes, Git, and more.

Key Features

  • Plugin-based architecture for easy extensibility
  • Dynamic command discovery and loading
  • AWS Features
    • IAM Identity Checking (toast am)
    • AWS Profile Management (toast env)
    • AWS Region Management (toast region)
  • Workspace Features
    • Directory Navigation (toast cdw)
  • Environment Management
    • .env.local file management with AWS SSM integration (toast dot)
  • Kubernetes Features
    • Context Switching (toast ctx)
  • Git Features
    • Git Repository Management (toast git)

Plugin Architecture

Toast uses a plugin-based architecture powered by Python's importlib and pkgutil modules:

  • Each command is implemented as a separate plugin
  • Plugins are automatically discovered and loaded at runtime
  • New functionality can be added without modifying existing code

See for detailed information about the design.



  • Python 3.6+
  • Click package
  • External tools used by various plugins:
    • fzf: Interactive selection in terminal
    • jq: JSON processing for formatted output
    • aws-cli: AWS command line interface
    • kubectl: Kubernetes command line tool

Installation Methods

# Install from PyPI
pip install toast-cli

# Update to latest version
pip install --upgrade toast-cli

# Install specific version
pip install toast-cli==3.0.0

# Install development version from GitHub
pip install git+

# Install in development mode from local clone
git clone
cd toast-cli
pip install -e .

Creating Symbolic Link (Optional)

If toast command is not available in your PATH after installation:

# Create a symbolic link to make it available system-wide
sudo ln -sf $(which toast) /usr/local/bin/toast


# View available commands
toast --help

# Run a specific command
toast am           # Show AWS identity
toast cdw          # Navigate workspace directories
toast ctx          # Manage Kubernetes contexts
toast dot          # Manage .env.local files
toast env          # Manage AWS profiles
toast git          # Manage Git repositories
toast region       # Manage AWS region

Extending with Plugins

To add a new plugin:

  1. Create a new Python file in the plugins directory
  2. Define a class that extends BasePlugin
  3. Implement the required methods (execute and optionally get_arguments)
  4. Set the name and help class variables

Example plugin:

from plugins.base_plugin import BasePlugin
import click

class MyPlugin(BasePlugin):
    name = "mycommand"
    help = "Description of my command"

    def execute(cls, **kwargs):
        click.echo("My custom command execution")


alias t='toast'

# Navigate workspace directories
c() {
  cd "$(toast cdw)"

# Common Command Aliases
alias m='toast am'      # Show AWS identity
alias x='toast ctx'     # Manage Kubernetes contexts
alias d='toast dot'     # Manage .env.local files
alias e='toast env'     # Manage AWS profiles
alias g='toast git'     # Manage Git repositories
alias r='toast region'  # Manage AWS region


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome through the GitHub repository.