Train and deploy mxnet gluon models for mnist prediction.
- Each convolutional layer is followed by batch normalization & relu activation
- Downsampling is achieved through 3 by 3 maxpooling filter with stride 2
- Dropout regularization can be applied between fully connected layers
- Softmax function at output layer
- Cross entropy loss with stochastic gradient descent used to optimize weights
- Create a virtual env & install requirements. Eg:
mkvirtualenv -a ./ -r requirements.txt -p python3 mnist
- Train the model with default hyperparameters (time consuming without gpu):
- cpu:
(mnist) $ python
- gpu:
(mnist) $ python --gpus=1
- Model parameters will be saved to the
- cpu:
- Launch the model server locally:
(mnist) $ python --params-file=./checkpoint/epoch9.params
- Download and unzip mnist jpegs
- Send a request to the server
curl -X POST -F "image=@<path to a jpg you downloaded>" http://localhost:8080/transform
- Hyperparameters have not been optimized. This should be done with access to a gpu.
- Model server is cpu only.
has been factored to allow for easy integration with Amazon Sagemaker hyperparameter optimization.