Qlik-Cli is a PowerShell module that provides a command line interface for managing a Qlik Sense environment. The module provides a set of commands for viewing and editing configuration settings, as well as managing tasks and other features available through the APIs.
The module can be installed by copying the Qlik-Cli.psm1 file to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Qlik-Cli, the module will then be loaded and ready to use from the PowerShell console. You can also load the module using the Import-Module command.
Import-Module Qlik-Cli.psm1
Once the module is loaded you can view a list of available commands by using the Get-Help PowerShell command.
Get-Help Qlik
Invoking a cmdlet will trigger the Connect-Qlik command with default parameters, this will attempt to locate a certificate from the certificate stores. Alternatively a certificate can be piped into the cmdlet using built-in powershell cmdlets to retrieve the certificate from the Windows certificate store.
gci cert:currentuser\my | where { $_.friendlyname -eq 'QlikClient' } | Connect-Qlik sense-central
A number of files are provided to demonstrate the use of the module with Vagrant to automate the deployment of a multi-node Qlik Sense site, this requires that Vagrant and VirtualBox are installed and can be used by running commands in their relevant folders. See readme files in each of the sub-folders for more information.
This software is made available "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Qlik support agreement does not cover support for this software.