This GitHub Action is designed to host real live sites using self-hosted GitHub runners and DDEV.
DDEV is a tool for launching multiple sites on a single server using Docker.
This action makes it easy to clone a site and launch ddev start
For more detailed documentation and usage examples, see
This action does NOT install ddev
If using on a self-hosted runner, make sure you install ddev first.
If running in CI, you can install DDEV in github workflows with this action:
You can prepare a server for running sites using the Operations Site Runner tool:
It will prepare server users, install DDEV, and setup GitHub Runners as a service.
Copy the example workflows located at examples/.github/workflows to your projects .github/workflows
The workflows allow all tasks that need to run against your site to be logged in GitHub actions.
- deploy.yml - Deploys fixed sites like live/test/dev when specific branches are pushed.
- pull-request.yml - Deploys pull request environments.
- pull-request-closed.yml - Removes pull request environments.
- cron.yml - Runs Drupal crontab as a scheduled workflow.
Pull Requests and Live Environments must be handled in separate files, so that live sites only deploy on specific branches.
# ./.github/workflows/pull-requests.yml
name: Pull Requests
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: operations-project/site-runner-ddev@main
# Set to "yes" to run the "sync-command". THIS WILL DESTROY THE SITE DATA.
sync: "yes"
# The command to run to sync up the site with data.
# The default (shown) assumes you have a drush alias of @live.
sync-command: "ddev drush sql:sync @live @self"
# Add SSH information to GitHub secrets to connect to remote servers.
# Command to get SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS:
# ssh-keyscan -H -H
ssh-known-hosts: ${{ secrets.SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS }}
# Put a private key in secrets and in the live sites `.ssh/authorized_keys` file.
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
# The DDEV `project_tld` config option determines the URLs that are created for the sites.
# You can set the TLD here, or use the GitHub Runner user's global ddev config.
ddev-project-tld: ""
# A list of domains to apply to this environment. Must be a string because of github actions.
ddev-fqdns: |
- preview.${{ github.event.number }}
# ... then your own project steps ...