该项目正在火热的开发中 QQ群号: 499563266
UiAutomator是Google提供的用来做安卓自动化测试的一个Java库,基于Accessibility服务。功能很强,可以对第三方App进行测试,获取屏幕上任意一个APP的任意一个控件属性,并对其进行任意操作,但有两个缺点:1. 测试脚本只能使用Java语言 2. 测试脚本要打包成jar或者apk包上传到设备上才能运行。
我们希望测试逻辑能够用Python编写,能够在电脑上运行的时候就控制手机。这里要非常感谢 Xiaocong He (@xiaocong),他将这个想法实现了出来(见xiaocong/uiautomator),原理是在手机上运行了一个http rpc服务,将uiautomator中的功能开放出来,然后再将这些http接口封装成Python库。
这个库,已经很久不见更新。所以我们直接fork了一个版本,为了方便做区分我们就在后面加了个2 openatx/uiautomator2
- 设备和开发机可以脱离数据线,通过WiFi互联(基于atx-agent)
- 集成了openstf/minicap达到实时屏幕投频,以及实时截图
- 集成了openstf/minitouch达到精确实时控制设备
- 修复了xiaocong/uiautomator经常性退出的问题
- 代码进行了重构和精简,方便维护
- 实现了一个设备管理平台(也支持iOS) atxserver2
这里要先说明下,因为经常有很多人问 openatx/uiautomator2 并不支持iOS测试,需要iOS自动化测试,可以转到这个库 openatx/facebook-wda。
PS: 这个库
- Android版本 4.4+
- Python 3.6+
的安卓手机,连接上电脑,确保执行adb devices
- 运行
pip3 install -U uiautomator2
安装uiautomator2 - 运行
python3 -m uiautomator2 init
安装包含httprpc服务的apk到手机+atx-agent, minicap, minitouch
import uiautomator2 as u2
d = u2.connect() # connect to device
这时看到类似下面的输出,就可以正式开始用我们这个库了。因为这个库功能太多,后面还有很多的内容,需要慢慢去看 ....
{'currentPackageName': 'net.oneplus.launcher', 'displayHeight': 1920, 'displayRotation': 0, 'displaySizeDpX': 411, 'displaySizeDpY': 731, 'displayWidth': 1080, 'productName': 'OnePlus5', '
screenOn': True, 'sdkInt': 27, 'naturalOrientation': True}
- 设备管理平台,设备多了就会用到 atxserver2
- 专门与adb进行交互的库 adbutils
- atx-agent 运行在设备上的驻守程序,go开发,用于保活设备上相关的服务
- weditor 类似于uiautomatorviewer,专门为本项目开发的辅助编辑器
- Install an app
- Launch an app
- Stop an app
- Stop all running apps
- Push and pull files
- Auto click permission dialogs
- Shell commands
- Session
- Retrieve the device info
- Key Events
- Gesture interaction with the device
- Screen-related
- Selector
- Watcher
- Global settings
- Input method
- Toast
- XPath
- 远程投屏
- htmlreport
- 诊断uiautomator2方法
- Plugin
- Hooks
- 失败时弹出提示框
Install uiautomator2
# Since uiautomator2 is still under development, you have to add --pre to install the development version pip install --upgrade --pre uiautomator2 # Or you can install directly from github source git clone https://github.com/openatx/uiautomator2 pip install -e uiautomator2
is needed to process screenshot data.pip install pillow
Install daemons to a device 电脑连接上一个手机或多个手机, 确保adb已经添加到环境变量中,执行下面的命令会自动安装本库所需要的设备端程序:uiautomator-server 、atx-agent、openstf/minicap、openstf/minitouch
# init 所有的已经连接到电脑的设备 python -m uiautomator2 init
即可 -
Install weditor (UI Inspector)
因为uiautomator是独占资源,所以当atx运行的时候uiautomatorviewer是不能用的,为了减少atx频繁的启停,我们开发了基于浏览器技术的weditor UI查看器。https://github.com/openatx/weditor
安装方法(备注: 目前最新的稳定版为 0.1.0)
pip install -U weditor
python -m weditor --shortcut
python -m weditor
【可选】AppetizerIO 所见即所得脚本编辑器
AppetizerIO 提供了对uiautomator2的深度集成,可以图形化管理ATX设备,还有所见即所得脚本编辑器
There are two ways to connect to the device.
- Through WiFi
Suppose device IP is
and your PC is in the same network.
import uiautomator2 as u2
d = u2.connect('') # alias for u2.connect_wifi('')
- Through USB
Suppose the device serial is 123456f
(seen from adb devices
import uiautomator2 as u2
d = u2.connect('123456f') # alias for u2.connect_usb('123456f')
- Through ADB WiFi
import uiautomator2 as u2
d = u2.connect_adb_wifi("")
# Equals to
# + Shell: adb connect
# + Python: u2.connect_usb("")
Calling u2.connect()
with no argument, uiautomator2
will obtain device IP from the environment variable ANDROID_DEVICE_IP
If this environment variable is empty, uiautomator will fall back to connect_usb
and you need to make sure that there is only one device connected to the computer.
如 python3 -m uiautomator2 --serial bff1234 <SubCommand>
, SubCommand为子命令(init,或者screenshot等)
1.0.3 Added:
python3 -m uiautomator2
init: 为设备安装所需要的程序
uiautomator2 init # If you need specify device to init, pass --serial <serial> python3 -m uiautomator2 init --serial your-device-serial
screenshot: 截图
$ python -m uiautomator2 screenshot screenshot.jpg
uninstall: 卸载
python -m uiautomator2 uninstall <package-name> # 卸载一个包 python -m uiautomator2 uninstall <package-name-1> <package-name-2> # 卸载多个包 python -m uiautomator2 uninstall --all # 全部卸载
install: 安装apk,apk通过URL给出 (暂时不能用)
clear-cache: 清空缓存 (废弃中,目前已经不需要改接口)
: 停止所有应用 (暂不能用) -
healthcheck: 健康检查 (咱不能用)
This part contains some global settings
Trace HTTP requests and response to find out how it works.
>>> d.debug = True
>>> d.info
12:32:47.182 $ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "b80d3a488580be1f3e9cb3e926175310", "method": "deviceInfo", "params": {}}' ''
12:32:47.225 Response >>>
<<< END
Set default element wait time, unit seconds
d(text="Settings").click() # if Settings button not show in 10s, UiObjectNotFoundError will raised
print("wait timeout", d.implicitly_wait()) # get default implicit wait
This function will have influence on click
, long_click
, drag_to
, get_text
, set_text
, clear_text
, etc.
This part showcases how to perform app management
We only support installing an APK from a URL
# 默认的这种方法是先通过atx-agent解析apk包的mainActivity,然后调用am start -n $package/$activity启动
# 使用 monkey -p com.example.hello_world -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1 启动
# 这种方法有个附带的问题,它自动会将手机的旋转锁定给关掉
d.app_start("com.example.hello_world", use_monkey=True) # start with package name
# 通过指定main activity的方式启动应用,等价于调用am start -n com.example.hello_world/.MainActivity
d.app_start("com.example.hello_world", ".MainActivity")
# equivalent to `am force-stop`, thus you could lose data
# equivalent to `pm clear`
# stop all
# stop all app except for com.examples.demo
# expect output
# "mainActivity": "com.github.uiautomator.MainActivity",
# "label": "ATX",
# "versionName": "1.1.7",
# "versionCode": 1001007,
# "size":1760809
# save app icon
img = d.app_icon("com.examples.demo")
# expect output
# ["com.xxxx.xxxx", "com.github.uiautomator", "xxxx"]
pid = d.app_wait("com.example.android") # 等待应用运行, return pid(int)
if not pid:
print("com.example.android is not running")
print("com.example.android pid is %d" % pid)
d.app_wait("com.example.android", front=True) # 等待应用前台运行
d.app_wait("com.example.android", timeout=20.0) # 最长等待时间20s(默认)
Add in version 1.2.0
push a file to the device
# push to a folder d.push("foo.txt", "/sdcard/") # push and rename d.push("foo.txt", "/sdcard/bar.txt") # push fileobj with open("foo.txt", 'rb') as f: d.push(f, "/sdcard/") # push and change file access mode d.push("foo.sh", "/data/local/tmp/", mode=0o755)
pull a file from the device
d.pull("/sdcard/tmp.txt", "tmp.txt") # FileNotFoundError will raise if the file is not found on the device d.pull("/sdcard/some-file-not-exists.txt", "tmp.txt")
注意注意 disable_popups
Import in version 0.1.1
d.disable_popups() # automatic skip popups
d.disable_popups(False) # disable automatic skip popups
If this method is not working on your device, You can make a pull request or create an issue to enhance this function. I'll show you how to do it.
- Open
- Get popup hierarchy
Now you know the button text and current package name. Make a pull request by update function disable_popups
or create an issue if you are not familar with git and python.
This part showcases how to perform common device operations:
Run a short-lived shell command with a timeout protection. (Default timeout 60s)
Note: timeout support require
atx-agent >=0.3.3
function is deprecated. Useshell
instead.Simple usage
output, exit_code = d.shell("pwd", timeout=60) # timeout 60s (Default) # output: "/\n", exit_code: 0 # Similar to command: adb shell pwd # Since `shell` function return type is `namedtuple("ShellResponse", ("output", "exit_code"))` # so we can do some tricks output = d.shell("pwd").output exit_code = d.shell("pwd").exit_code
The first argument can be list. for example
output, exit_code = d.shell(["ls", "-l"]) # output: "/....", exit_code: 0
This returns a string for stdout merged with stderr. If the command is a blocking command,
will also block until the command is completed or the timeout kicks in. No partial output will be received during the execution of the command. This API is not suitable for long-running commands. The shell command given runs in a similar environment ofadb shell
, which has a Linux permission level ofadb
(higher than an app permission). -
Run a long-running shell command
add stream=True will return
object. More info see requests streamr = d.shell("logcat", stream=True) # r: requests.models.Response deadline = time.time() + 10 # run maxium 10s try: for line in r.iter_lines(): # r.iter_lines(chunk_size=512, decode_unicode=None, delimiter=None) if time.time() > deadline: break print("Read:", line.decode('utf-8')) finally: r.close() # this method must be called
Command will be terminated when
Session represent an app lifecycle. Can be used to start app, detect app crash.
Launch and close app
sess = d.session("com.netease.cloudmusic") # start 网易云音乐 sess.close() # 停止网易云音乐 sess.restart() # 冷启动网易云音乐
Use python
to launch and close appwith d.session("com.netease.cloudmusic") as sess: sess(text="Play").click()
Attach to the running app
# launch app if not running, skip launch if already running sess = d.session("com.netease.cloudmusic", attach=True) # raise SessionBrokenError if not running sess = d.session("com.netease.cloudmusic", attach=True, strict=True)
Detect app crash
# When app is still running sess(text="Music").click() # operation goes normal # If app crash or quit sess(text="Music").click() # raise SessionBrokenError # other function calls under session will raise SessionBrokenError too
# check if session is ok. # Warning: function name may change in the future sess.running() # True or False
Get basic information
Below is a possible output:
u'displayRotation': 0,
u'displaySizeDpY': 640,
u'displaySizeDpX': 360,
u'currentPackageName': u'com.android.launcher',
u'productName': u'takju',
u'displayWidth': 720,
u'sdkInt': 18,
u'displayHeight': 1184,
u'naturalOrientation': True
Get window size
# device upright output example: (1080, 1920)
# device horizontal output example: (1920, 1080)
Get current app info. For some android devices, the output could be empty (see Output example 3)
# Output example 1: {'activity': '.Client', 'package': 'com.netease.example', 'pid': 23710}
# Output example 2: {'activity': '.Client', 'package': 'com.netease.example'}
# Output example 3: {'activity': None, 'package': None}
Wait activity
d.wait_activity(".ApiDemos", timeout=10) # default timeout 10.0 seconds
# Output: true of false
Get device serial number
# output example: 74aAEDR428Z9
Get WLAN ip
# output example:
Get detailed device info
Below is a possible output:
{'udid': '3578298f-b4:0b:44:e6:1f:90-OD103',
'version': '7.1.1',
'serial': '3578298f',
'brand': 'SMARTISAN',
'model': 'OD103',
'hwaddr': 'b4:0b:44:e6:1f:90',
'port': 7912,
'sdk': 25,
'agentVersion': 'dev',
'display': {'width': 1080, 'height': 1920},
'battery': {'acPowered': False,
'usbPowered': False,
'wirelessPowered': False,
'status': 3,
'health': 0,
'present': True,
'level': 99,
'scale': 100,
'voltage': 4316,
'temperature': 272,
'technology': 'Li-ion'},
'memory': {'total': 3690280, 'around': '4 GB'},
'cpu': {'cores': 8, 'hardware': 'Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8953Pro'},
'presenceChangedAt': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
'usingBeganAt': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}
Turn on/off screen
d.screen_on() # turn on the screen d.screen_off() # turn off the screen
Get current screen status
d.info.get('screenOn') # require Android >= 4.4
Press hard/soft key
d.press("home") # press the home key, with key name d.press("back") # press the back key, with key name d.press(0x07, 0x02) # press keycode 0x07('0') with META ALT(0x02)
These key names are currently supported:
- home
- back
- left
- right
- up
- down
- center
- menu
- search
- enter
- delete ( or del)
- recent (recent apps)
- volume_up
- volume_down
- volume_mute
- camera
- power
You can find all key code definitions at Android KeyEvnet
Unlock screen
d.unlock() # This is equivalent to # 1. launch activity: com.github.uiautomator.ACTION_IDENTIFY # 2. press the "home" key
Click on the screen
d.click(x, y)
Double click
d.double_click(x, y) d.double_click(x, y, 0.1) # default duration between two click is 0.1s
Long click on the screen
d.long_click(x, y) d.long_click(x, y, 0.5) # long click 0.5s (default)
d.swipe(sx, sy, ex, ey) d.swipe(sx, sy, ex, ey, 0.5) # swipe for 0.5s(default)
SwipeExt 扩展功能
d.swipe_ext("right") # 屏幕右滑,4选1 "left", "right", "up", "bottom" d.swipe_ext("right", scale=0.9) # 默认0.9, 滑动距离为屏幕宽度的90% d.swipe_ext("right", box=(0, 0, 100, 100)) # 在 (0,0) -> (100, 100) 这个区域做滑动
d.drag(sx, sy, ex, ey) d.drag(sx, sy, ex, ey, 0.5) # swipe for 0.5s(default)
Swipe points
# swipe from point(x0, y0) to point(x1, y1) then to point(x2, y2) # time will speed 0.2s bwtween two points d.swipe_points([(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)], 0.2))
多用于九宫格解锁,提前获取到每个点的相对坐标(这里支持百分比), 更详细的使用参考这个帖子 使用u2实现九宫图案解锁
Touch and drap (Beta)
d.touch.down(10, 10) # 模拟按下 time.sleep(.01) # down 和 move 之间的延迟,自己控制 d.touch.move(15, 15) # 模拟移动 d.touch.up() # 模拟抬起
Note: click, swipe, drag operations support percentage position values. Example:
d.long_click(0.5, 0.5)
means long click center of screen
Retrieve/Set device orientation
The possible orientations:
(can not be set)
# retrieve orientation. the output could be "natural" or "left" or "right" or "upsidedown" orientation = d.orientation # WARNING: not pass testing in my TT-M1 # set orientation and freeze rotation. # notes: setting "upsidedown" requires Android>=4.3. d.set_orientation('l') # or "left" d.set_orientation("l") # or "left" d.set_orientation("r") # or "right" d.set_orientation("n") # or "natural"
Freeze/Un-freeze rotation
# freeze rotation d.freeze_rotation() # un-freeze rotation d.freeze_rotation(False)
Take screenshot
# take screenshot and save to a file on the computer, require Android>=4.2. d.screenshot("home.jpg") # get PIL.Image formatted images. Naturally, you need pillow installed first image = d.screenshot() # default format="pillow" image.save("home.jpg") # or home.png. Currently, only png and jpg are supported # get opencv formatted images. Naturally, you need numpy and cv2 installed first import cv2 image = d.screenshot(format='opencv') cv2.imwrite('home.jpg', image) # get raw jpeg data imagebin = d.screenshot(format='raw') open("some.jpg", "wb").write(imagebin)
Dump UI hierarchy
# get the UI hierarchy dump content (unicoded). xml = d.dump_hierarchy()
Open notification or quick settings
d.open_notification() d.open_quick_settings()
Selector is a handy mechanism to identify a specific UI object in the current window.
# Select the object with text 'Clock' and its className is 'android.widget.TextView'
d(text='Clock', className='android.widget.TextView')
Selector supports below parameters. Refer to UiSelector Java doc for detailed information.
# get the children or grandchildren d(className="android.widget.ListView").child(text="Bluetooth")
# get siblings d(text="Google").sibling(className="android.widget.ImageView")
children by text or description or instance
# get the child matching the condition className="android.widget.LinearLayout" # and also its children or grandchildren with text "Bluetooth" d(className="android.widget.ListView", resourceId="android:id/list") \ .child_by_text("Bluetooth", className="android.widget.LinearLayout") # get children by allowing scroll search d(className="android.widget.ListView", resourceId="android:id/list") \ .child_by_text( "Bluetooth", allow_scroll_search=True, className="android.widget.LinearLayout" )
is to find children whose grandchildren have the specified description, other parameters being similar tochild_by_text
. -
is to find children with has a child UI element anywhere within its sub hierarchy that is at the instance specified. It is performed on visible views without scrolling.
See below links for detailed information:
- UiScrollable,
- UiCollection,
Above methods support chained invoking, e.g. for below hierarchy
<node index="0" text="" resource-id="android:id/list" class="android.widget.ListView" ...> <node index="0" text="WIRELESS & NETWORKS" resource-id="" class="android.widget.TextView" .../> <node index="1" text="" resource-id="" class="android.widget.LinearLayout" ...> <node index="1" text="" resource-id="" class="android.widget.RelativeLayout" ...> <node index="0" text="Wi‑Fi" resource-id="android:id/title" class="android.widget.TextView" .../> </node> <node index="2" text="ON" resource-id="com.android.settings:id/switchWidget" class="android.widget.Switch" .../> </node> ... </node>
To click the switch widget right to the TextView 'Wi‑Fi', we need to select the switch widgets first. However, according to the UI hierarchy, more than one switch widgets exist and have almost the same properties. Selecting by className will not work. Alternatively, the below selecting strategy would help:
d(className="android.widget.ListView", resourceId="android:id/list") \ .child_by_text("Wi‑Fi", className="android.widget.LinearLayout") \ .child(className="android.widget.Switch") \ .click()
relative positioning
Also we can use the relative positioning methods to get the view:
, selects B on the left side of A.d(A).right(B)
, selects B on the right side of A.d(A).up(B)
, selects B above A.d(A).down(B)
, selects B under A.
So for above cases, we can alternatively select it with:
## select "switch" on the right side of "Wi‑Fi" d(text="Wi‑Fi").right(className="android.widget.Switch").click()
Multiple instances
Sometimes the screen may contain multiple views with the same properties, e.g. text, then you will have to use the "instance" property in the selector to pick one of qualifying instances, like below:
d(text="Add new", instance=0) # which means the first instance with text "Add new"
In addition, uiautomator2 provides a list-like API (similar to jQuery):
# get the count of views with text "Add new" on current screen d(text="Add new").count # same as count property len(d(text="Add new")) # get the instance via index d(text="Add new")[0] d(text="Add new")[1] ... # iterator for view in d(text="Add new"): view.info # ...
Notes: when using selectors in a code block that walk through the result list, you must ensure that the UI elements on the screen keep unchanged. Otherwise, when Element-Not-Found error could occur when iterating through the list.
Check if the specific UI object exists
d(text="Settings").exists # True if exists, else False d.exists(text="Settings") # alias of above property. # advanced usage d(text="Settings").exists(timeout=3) # wait Settings appear in 3s, same as .wait(3)
Retrieve the info of the specific UI object
Below is a possible output:
{ u'contentDescription': u'', u'checked': False, u'scrollable': False, u'text': u'Settings', u'packageName': u'com.android.launcher', u'selected': False, u'enabled': True, u'bounds': {u'top': 385, u'right': 360, u'bottom': 585, u'left': 200}, u'className': u'android.widget.TextView', u'focused': False, u'focusable': True, u'clickable': True, u'chileCount': 0, u'longClickable': True, u'visibleBounds': {u'top': 385, u'right': 360, u'bottom': 585, u'left': 200}, u'checkable': False }
Get/Set/Clear text of an editable field (e.g., EditText widgets)
d(text="Settings").get_text() # get widget text d(text="Settings").set_text("My text...") # set the text d(text="Settings").clear_text() # clear the text
Get Widget center point
x, y = d(text="Settings").center() # x, y = d(text="Settings").center(offset=(0, 0)) # left-top x, y
Perform click on the specific object
# click on the center of the specific ui object d(text="Settings").click() # wait element to appear for at most 10 seconds and then click d(text="Settings").click(timeout=10) # click with offset(x_offset, y_offset) # click_x = x_offset * width + x_left_top # click_y = y_offset * height + y_left_top d(text="Settings").click(offset=(0.5, 0.5)) # Default center d(text="Settings").click(offset=(0, 0)) # click left-top d(text="Settings").click(offset=(1, 1)) # click right-bottom # click when exists in 10s, default timeout 0s clicked = d(text='Skip').click_exists(timeout=10.0) # click until element gone, return bool is_gone = d(text="Skip").click_gone(maxretry=10, interval=1.0) # maxretry default 10, interval default 1.0
Perform long click on the specific UI object
# long click on the center of the specific UI object d(text="Settings").long_click()
Drag the UI object towards another point or another UI object
# notes : drag can not be used for Android<4.3. # drag the UI object to a screen point (x, y), in 0.5 second d(text="Settings").drag_to(x, y, duration=0.5) # drag the UI object to (the center position of) another UI object, in 0.25 second d(text="Settings").drag_to(text="Clock", duration=0.25)
Swipe from the center of the UI object to its edge
Swipe supports 4 directions:
- left
- right
- top
- bottom
d(text="Settings").swipe("right") d(text="Settings").swipe("left", steps=10) d(text="Settings").swipe("up", steps=20) # 1 steps is about 5ms, so 20 steps is about 0.1s d(text="Settings").swipe("down", steps=20)
Two-point gesture from one point to another
d(text="Settings").gesture((sx1, sy1), (sx2, sy2), (ex1, ey1), (ex2, ey2))
Two-point gesture on the specific UI object
Supports two gestures:
, from edge to centerOut
, from center to edge
# notes : pinch can not be set until Android 4.3. # from edge to center. here is "In" not "in" d(text="Settings").pinch_in(percent=100, steps=10) # from center to edge d(text="Settings").pinch_out()
Wait until the specific UI appears or disappears
# wait until the ui object appears d(text="Settings").wait(timeout=3.0) # return bool # wait until the ui object gone d(text="Settings").wait_gone(timeout=1.0)
The default timeout is 20s. see global settings for more details
Perform fling on the specific ui object(scrollable)
Possible properties:
# fling forward(default) vertically(default) d(scrollable=True).fling() # fling forward horizontally d(scrollable=True).fling.horiz.forward() # fling backward vertically d(scrollable=True).fling.vert.backward() # fling to beginning horizontally d(scrollable=True).fling.horiz.toBeginning(max_swipes=1000) # fling to end vertically d(scrollable=True).fling.toEnd()
Perform scroll on the specific ui object(scrollable)
Possible properties:
, orto
# scroll forward(default) vertically(default) d(scrollable=True).scroll(steps=10) # scroll forward horizontally d(scrollable=True).scroll.horiz.forward(steps=100) # scroll backward vertically d(scrollable=True).scroll.vert.backward() # scroll to beginning horizontally d(scrollable=True).scroll.horiz.toBeginning(steps=100, max_swipes=1000) # scroll to end vertically d(scrollable=True).scroll.toEnd() # scroll forward vertically until specific ui object appears d(scrollable=True).scroll.to(text="Security")
You can register watchers to perform some actions when a selector does not find a match.
Register Watcher
When a selector can not find a match, uiautomator2 will run all registered watchers.
- Click target when conditions match
d.watcher("AUTO_FC_WHEN_ANR").when(text="ANR").when(text="Wait") \ .click(text="Force Close") # d.watcher(name) ## creates a new named watcher. # .when(condition) ## the UiSelector condition of the watcher. # .click(target) ## perform click action on the target UiSelector.
There is also a trick about click. You can use click without arguments.
d.watcher("ALERT").when(text="OK").click() # Same as d.watcher("ALERT").when(text="OK").click(text="OK")
- Press key when a condition becomes true
d.watcher("AUTO_FC_WHEN_ANR").when(text="ANR").when(text="Wait") \ .press("back", "home") # d.watcher(name) ## creates a new named watcher. # .when(condition) ## the UiSelector condition of the watcher. # .press(<keyname>, ..., <keyname>.() ## press keys one by one in sequence.
Check if the named watcher triggered
A watcher is triggered, which means the watcher was run and all its conditions matched.
d.watcher("watcher_name").triggered # true in case of the specified watcher triggered, else false
Remove a named watcher
# remove the watcher d.watcher("watcher_name").remove()
List all watchers
d.watchers # a list of all registered watchers
Check for any triggered watcher
d.watchers.triggered # true in case of any watcher triggered
Reset all triggered watchers
# reset all triggered watchers, after that, d.watchers.triggered will be false. d.watchers.reset()
Remove watchers
# remove all registered watchers d.watchers.remove() # remove the named watcher, same as d.watcher("watcher_name").remove() d.watchers.remove("watcher_name")
Force to run all watchers
# force to run all registered watchers d.watchers.run()
Run all watchers when page update.(因为稳定性原因,目前已废弃)
# set delay 1.5s after each UI click and click
d.click_post_delay = 1.5 # default no delay
# set default element wait timeout (seconds)
d.wait_timeout = 30.0 # default 20.0
>> d.jsonrpc.getConfigurator()
{'actionAcknowledgmentTimeout': 500,
'keyInjectionDelay': 0,
'scrollAcknowledgmentTimeout': 200,
'waitForIdleTimeout': 0,
'waitForSelectorTimeout': 0}
>> d.jsonrpc.setConfigurator({"waitForIdleTimeout": 100})
{'actionAcknowledgmentTimeout': 500,
'keyInjectionDelay': 0,
'scrollAcknowledgmentTimeout': 200,
'waitForIdleTimeout': 100,
'waitForSelectorTimeout': 0}
Refs: Google uiautomator Configurator
d.set_fastinput_ime(True) # 切换成FastInputIME输入法
d.send_keys("你好123abcEFG") # adb广播输入
d.clear_text() # 清除输入框所有内容(Require android-uiautomator.apk version >= 1.0.7)
d.set_fastinput_ime(False) # 切换成正常的输入法
d.send_action("search") # 模拟输入法的搜索
send_action 说明
该函数可以使用的参数有 go search send next done previous
or press("enter")
Show Toast
d.toast.show("Hello world")
d.toast.show("Hello world", 1.0) # show for 1.0s, default 1.0s
Get Toast
# [Args]
# 5.0: max wait timeout. Default 10.0
# 10.0: cache time. return cache toast if already toast already show up in recent 10 seconds. Default 10.0 (Maybe change in the furture)
# "default message": return if no toast finally get. Default None
d.toast.get_message(5.0, 10.0, "default message")
# common usage
assert "Short message" in d.toast.get_message(5.0, default="")
# clear cached toast
# Now d.toast.get_message(0) is None
For example: 其中一个节点的内容
checkable="false" checked="false" clickable="false" enabled="true" focusable="false" focused="false"
scrollable="false" long-clickable="false" password="false" selected="false" visible-to-user="true"
bounds="[957,1602][1020,1636]" />
description -> content-desc
resourceId -> resource-id
# wait exists 10s
# find and click
# check exists
if d.xpath("//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text, 'Se')]").exists:
# get all text-view text, attrib and center point
for elem in d.xpath("//android.widget.TextView").all():
print("Text:", elem.text)
# Dictionary eg:
# {'index': '1', 'text': '999+', 'resource-id': 'com.netease.cloudmusic:id/qb', 'package': 'com.netease.cloudmusic', 'content-desc': '', 'checkable': 'false', 'checked': 'false', 'clickable': 'false', 'enabled': 'true', 'focusable': 'false', 'focused': 'false','scrollable': 'false', 'long-clickable': 'false', 'password': 'false', 'selected': 'false', 'visible-to-user': 'true', 'bounds': '[661,1444][718,1478]'}
print("Attrib:", elem.attrib)
# Coordinate eg: (100, 200)
print("Position:", elem.center())
很多没写在这个地方的,都放到了这里 Common Issues
的存在,Uiautomator会被一直守护着,如果退出了就会被重新启动起来。但是Uiautomator又是霸道的,一旦它在运行,手机上的辅助功能、电脑上的uiautomatorviewer 就都不能用了,除非关掉该框架本身的uiautomator。下面就说下两种关闭方法
直接打开uiautomator app(init成功后,就会安装上的),点击关闭UIAutomator
# d.service("uiautomator").start() # 启动
# d.service("uiautomator").running() # 是否在运行
- API相似但是不完全兼容
- uiautomator2是安卓项目,而uiautomator是Java项目
- uiautomator2可以输入中文,而uiautomator的Java工程需借助utf7输入法才能输入中文
- uiautomator2必须明确EditText框才能向里面输入文字,uiautomator直接指定父类也可以在子类中输入文字
- uiautomator2获取控件速度比uiautomator快
- uiautomator守护程序 https://github.com/openatx/atx-agent
- uiautomator jsonrpc serverhttps://github.com/openatx/android-uiautomator-server/
- codeskyblue (@codeskyblue)
- Xiaocong He (@xiaocong)
- Yuanyuan Zou (@yuanyuan)
- Qian Jin (@QianJin2013)
- Xu Jingjie (@xiscoxu)
- Xia Mingyuan (@mingyuan-xia)
- Artem Iglikov, Google Inc. (@artikz)
Other contributors
- google/mobly 谷歌内部的测试框架,虽然我不太懂,但是感觉很好用
- https://www.appetizer.io/ 包含一个很好用的IDE,快速编写脚本,也可以插桩采集性能。
- https://github.com/atinfo/awesome-test-automation 所有优秀测试框架的集合,包罗万象
- http://www.sikulix.com/ 基于图像识别的自动化测试框架,非常的老牌
- http://airtest.netease.com/ 本项目的前身,后来被网易广州团队接手并继续优化。实现有一个不错的IDE