SPAS is python package designed for single-pixel acquisition.
SPAS has been tested for controlling a DLP7000 Spatial Light Modulator and an AvaSpec-ULS2048CL-EVO spectrometer. It should work as well for for similar equipment with a few changes.
SPAS is a companion package to the SPyRiT package.
The SPAS package can be installed on Linux, MacOs and Windows.
pip install git+
Check your installation
from spas import read_metadata
This functions reads the metadata an existing acquisition (e.g., available on SPIHIM)
The SPAS package can be installed on Linux, MacOs and Windows. However, it will be fully functional on Windows only due to DLL dependencies required for harware control.
- Clone the SPAS repository
git clone
Navigate to ./spas/
and install the SPAS package in editable mode
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Add DLLs (optional, for instrumentation control only)
The following dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) were required to control our instrumentation
provided by your Avantes distributoralpV42.dll
available here by installing the entire ALP4 library
The DLLs should be placed inside the
folder. The typical directory structure is
│ ├───alpV42
│ │ └───x64
│ │ │ └───alpV42.dll
│ └───avaspec3
│ │ └───avaspecx64.dll
│ ├───Average_64x64.npy
│ ├───Cov_64x64.npy
- Thomas Baudier
- Guilherme Beneti-Martin
- Nicolas Ducros
- Laurent Mahieu Williame
When using SPAS in scientific publications, please cite the following paper:
- G. Beneti-Martin, L Mahieu-Williame, T Baudier, N Ducros, "OpenSpyrit: an Ecosystem for Reproducible Single-Pixel Hyperspectral Imaging," Optics Express, Vol. 31, No. 10, (2023).
This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0 license - see the file for details
Run in Python:
from spas.generate import walsh_patterns
By default the patterns are 1024x768 PNG images saved in ./Walsh_64_64/
Download covariance and mean matrices and save them both in
(Alternative, which takes much longer) compute covariance matrix.
from spyrit.misc.statistics import stat_walsh_stl10
It is necessary to generate an array that specifies the order in which the patterns are acquired. This can be done by running:
from spas import generate_hadamard_order
generate_hadamard_order(N=64, name='pattern_order', cov_path='./stats/Cov_64x64.npy', pos_neg=True)
The output array will be placed in ./stats/pattern_order.npz
. It may be necessary to change cov_path
depending on the previous step.
In a terminal :
pip install spyder
You may experience an issue launcing spyder (July 2021). It is solved with:
conda install pywin32
We provides several script examples in ./scripts/
. A minimal working example is provided below.
- Initialization (just once, two consecutively returns an error):
from spas import *
spectrometer, DMD, DMD_initial_memory = init()
- Setup:
metadata = MetaData(
acquisition_parameters = AcquisitionParameters(
spectrometer_params, DMD_params = setup(
- Acquisition:
meas = acquire(
- Disconnect, otherwise it is possible to run setup and/or acquisition again.
disconnect(spectrometer, DMD)
Here, we consider an acquisition with pattern_compression=1.0
, meaning all the patterns are acquired.
- Measurements are in memory (fully sampled)
Reconstruct the measurements contained in variable meas
import spyrit.misc.walsh_hadamard as wh
from spas import reconstruction_hadamard
H = wh.walsh2_matrix(64)
rec = reconstruction_hadamard(acquisition_parameters.patterns, 'walsh', H, meas)
Bin the reconstructed hypercube in 8 bins between 530 and 730 nm:
from spas import spectral_binning
rec_bin, wavelengths_bin, _ = spectral_binning(rec.T, acquisition_parameters.wavelengths, 530, 730, 8)
Plot the 8 spectral bins:
from spas import plot_color
plot_color(rec_bin, wavelengths_bin)
- Measurements are saved on the disk (fully sampled)
Reconstruct the measurements saved as ../meas/my_first_measurement
Read the data from a file:
import numpy as np
file = np.load('../meas/my_first_measurement' + '_spectraldata.npz')
meas = file['spectral_data']
Read the metadata (it is necessary to recover the acquisition order of the patterns from acquisition_parameters
from spas import read_metadata, reconstruction_hadamard
_, acquisition_parameters, _, _ = read_metadata('../meas/my_first_measurement' + '_metadata.json')
import spyrit.misc.walsh_hadamard as wh
H = wh.walsh2_matrix(64)
rec = reconstruction_hadamard(acquisition_metadata.patterns, 'walsh', H, meas)
- We consider an existing acquisition that was saved on the disk in the
Read the data:
import numpy as np
file = np.load('../meas/my_first_measurement' + '_spectraldata.npz')
meas = file['spectral_data']
Read the metadata (we need the get the acquisition order of the patterns):
from spas import read_metadata, reconstruction_hadamard
_, acquisition_parameters, _, _ = read_metadata('../meas/my_first_measurement' + '_metadata.json')
- We consider that we have access to a trained network and the covariance matrix associated to it.
An example network can be downloaded here. It allows the reconstruction of a 128 x 128 image from only 4096 Hadamard coefficients (i.e., 8192 raw measurements) that correspond to a full acquisition at a 64 x 64 resolution. Its associated covariance matrix can be downloaded here.
from spas import ReconstructionParameters, setup_reconstruction
network_param = ReconstructionParameters(
# Reconstruction network
M = 64*64, # Number of measurements
img_size = 128, # Image size
arch = 'dc-net', # Main architecture
denoi = 'unet', # Image domain denoiser
subs = 'rect', # Subsampling scheme
# Training
data = 'imagenet', # Training database
N0 = 10, # Intensity (max of ph./pixel)
# Optimisation (from
num_epochs = 30, # Number of training epochs
learning_rate = 0.001, # Learning Rate
step_size = 10, # Scheduler Step Size
gamma = 0.5, # Scheduler Decrease Rate
batch_size = 256, # Size of the training batch
regularization = 1e-7 # Regularisation Parameter
cov_path = '../stat/Cov_8_128x128.npy'
model_folder = '../model/'
model, device = setup_reconstruction(cov_path, model_folder, network_param)
Load noise calibration parameters (provided with the data or computed using tools in /noise-calibration
). spas
from spas import load_noise
noise = load_noise('../noise-calibration/fit_model.npz')
Bin the spectral measurements (here, 4 bins between 530 nm and 730 nm)
from spas import spectral_binning
meas_bin, wavelengths_bin, _ = spectral_binning(meas.T, wavelengths, 530, 730, 4)
Reorder and subsample the spectral measurements
from spas.reconstruction_nn import reorder_subsample
meas_bin_2 = reorder_subsample(meas_bin, acquisition_param, network_param)
Reconstruct the spectral images
from spas import reconstruct
rec = reconstruct(model, device, meas_bin_2)
Plot the spectral images
from spas import plot_color
plot_color(rec, wavelengths_bin)