Welcome to the github page for the "Open Radar Datasets", a part of the "Open Radar Initative". There are currently two datasets available;
- Outdoor Moving Object Dataset
- Assisted living dataset
This dataset is released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license
Attributions can be done by citing the paper as described below.
A dataset in a "ground surveillance" setting. The dataset has been collected with a stationary radar and targets moving in front of the radar. The dataset has been collected using both collaborative and non-collaborative targets.
To load and view some samples of the datasets:
Open the datset in Google Colab
Person walking | Person bicycling |
UAV sample | Vehicle sample |
Number of samples | RCS estimate |
SNR | Radial Velocity |
The dataset is a a python dictionary and primarily contains doppler spectra, but there is also some other information that might be useful. The ".npy" file contains a dictionary of signatures, each signature corresponds to a full radar-track and contains again contains:
Field name | Explanation |
signature | Numpy array of the doppler spectra for that track |
ts | Timestamp for each spectra |
range | Measured range for the detection |
azimuth | Measured azimuth for the detectin |
velocity | Measured radial velocity |
snr_db | Estimated SNR in dB, estimated from a 1D CFAR |
x | Kalman-filtered x-position |
y | Kalman-filtered x-position |
z | Kalman-filtered x-position |
class_name | Class name string |
radar_parameters | Dict with the radar parameters |
The radar_parameters dict contain sensor and waveform-specific parameters
Field name | Explanation |
num_range_bins | Number of range bins |
num_pulses | Number of pulses in each frame |
num_antenna_elements | Number of receiver elements sampled |
fc | Center frequency |
bw | Sampled Bandwidth |
prf | PRF |
To attribute this dataset for you own use, please cite this paper:
author = {Gusland, Daniel and Christiansen, Jonas M and Torvik, B{\o}rge and Fioranelli, Francesco, and Gurbuz, Sevgi and Ritchie, Matthew},
booktitle={2021 IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR)},
title = {{Open Radar Initiative : Large Scale Dataset for Benchmarking of micro-Doppler Recognition Algorithms}},
The assisted living dataset can be found here