Python OpenID library - OpenID support for servers and consumers.
This is a set of Python packages to support use of the OpenID decentralized identity system in your application.
Want to enable single sign-on for your web site?
Use the openid.consumer package
Want to run your own OpenID server?
Check out openid.server
Includes example code and support for a variety of storage back-ends.
- Python 2.7, >=3.5
- lxml
- six
- cryptography
To install the base library, just run the following command:
pip install python-openid2
The examples directory includes an example server and consumer implementation. See the README file in that directory for more information on running the examples.
Library documentation is available in html form in the doc directory.
This library offers a logging hook that will record unexpected conditions that occur in library code. If a condition is recoverable, the library will recover and issue a log message. If it is not recoverable, the library will raise an exception. See the documentation for the openid.oidutil module for more on the logging hook.
The documentation in this library is in Epydoc format, which is detailed at:
Send bug reports, suggestions, comments, and questions to
If you have a bugfix or feature you'd like to contribute, don't hesitate to send it to us on GitHub.