sipXecs, aka sipXcom, is an advanced open soure IP based enterprise communication system originally developed by PingTel in the early 2000s. It has since then been developed and sponsored by a chain of commercial organizations such as Bluesocket, Avaya, Nortel, eZuce and CoreDial.
sipXcom is now being further developed and maintained by OnRelay, who is using sipXcom as an integral part of its cloud based mobile business phone service. This repository is a fork from the latest stable release 21.04 at
sipXcom documentation can be found here. Here are documentation shortcuts for installing and building the source:
To get help, track release progress, ask questions, suggest improvements or otherwise contribute to the sipXcom open source project, please participate in the discussion at the sipXcom User Group!
OnRelay will endeavour to respond to issues raised at this user group as time permits. For guaranteed response times and resolutions please contact for a quote about a support contract with SLAs as described here: OnRelay Service Level Agreement.
We also greatly appreciate any sponsor contributions, which can be setup via GitHub here!