Challenge: Create a country quiz app using an API, and use React to handle the frontend. Don’t look at the existing solution. Fulfill user stories below:
- User story: I can see at least 2 types of question: a city is the capital of.. or a flag belong to country..
- User story: I can see select an answer
- User story: I can see if my answer is correct or incorrect
- User story: When I answer correctly, I can move on to the next question
- User story: When I answer incorrectly, I can see my results and try again
- User story: I can try again
API: Use data from the API to create questions and answers.
Design :
Live app :
As long as you fulfill all the user stories, you can give your personal touches by adding transition, using your own images, changing colors, or even creating your own layout,...
Once you completed, submit your solutions by providing URLs for both GitHub repository and live app on Netlify and explain briefly what you have done.
For the custom domain url you'll enter in netlify, please use the following naming convention : (replace YOUR_FIRSTNAME by your firstname)
Good luck everybody!
Template for your readme :
Introduce your projects by taking a screenshot or a gif. Try to tell visitors a story about your project by answering:
- Where can I see your demo?
- What was your experience?
- What have you learned/improved?
- Your wisdom? :)
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start
- Website
- GitHub @your-username
- Twitter @your-twitter