OpenIAB plugin for Marmalade SDK
- Build plugin
- Java library
mkb extension/MyExtension/MyExtension_android_java.mkb
- Native library
mkb extension/MyExtension/MyExtension_android.mkb --debug
mkb extension/MyExtension/MyExtension_android.mkb --release
- Include
to the application.mkb
Please refer to Marmalade EDK documentation for details.
- Setup everything required in the dependency checker
- Build the project in the Marmalade Hub
Retrieve supported store names.
OpenIabStoreNames* openiabStoreNames();
Map you SKUs. This is optional.
void mapSku(const char* sku, const char* storeName, const char* storeSku);
Initialize plugin.
void init(OpenIabOptions* options, const char** skuList, int skuListCount);
Start purchase process.
void purchaseProduct(const char* sku, const char* payload);
void purchaseSubscription(const char* sku, const char* payload);
Consume SKU.
void consume(const char* sku);
Retrive product details from the current store for single SKU or for a list of SKUs.
OpenIabSkuDetails* getSkuDetails(const char* sku);
OpenIabSkuDetails** getSkuListDetails(const char** skuList, int skuListCount);
Create Options object.
OpenIabOptions* options = new OpenIabOptions();
Set store search strategy.
Set available stores to restrict the set of stores to check.
options->numAvailableStoreNames = 1;
options->availableStoreNames = new const char*[options->numAvailableStoreNames];
options->availableStoreNames[0] = openiabStoreNames()->GOOGLE;
Set preferred store names (works only for store search strategy OpenIabHelper.Options.SEARCH_STRATEGY_BEST_FIT
options->numPreferredStoreNames = 1;
options->preferredStoreNames = new const char*[options->numPreferredStoreNames];
options->preferredStoreNames[0] = openiabStoreNames()->GOOGLE;
Set store keys.
const char *publicKey = "publicKey";
options->numStores = 1;
options->storeNames = new const char*[options->numStores];
options->storeKeys = new const char*[options->numStores];
options->storeNames[0] = openiabStoreNames()->GOOGLE;
options->storeKeys[0] = publicKey;
Set verifying mode (applicable only for Google Play, Appland, Aptoide, AppMall, SlideMe, Yandex.Store).
options->verifyMode = VERIFY_SKIP;
Callbacks are buil-in functionality. In order to subscribe you need to pass callback ID and your handler function.
s3eResult openiabRegister(openiabCallback cbid, s3eCallback fn, void* userData);
Here are OpenIAB callback IDs.
User data should be casted to the corresponding structure in the callback handler.
struct OpenIabInitResponse
OpenIabResponseResult status;
char* error;
struct OpenIabPurchaseResponse
OpenIabResponseResult status;
char* error;
OpenIabPurchase* purchase;
struct OpenIabConsumeResponse
OpenIabResponseResult status;
char* error;