Magnacarto is a CartoCSS map style processor that generates Mapnik XML and MapServer map files.
It is released as open source under the Apache License 2.0.
- Easy to use map viewer
- Generate styles for Mapnik 3 and MapServer
- Supports nearly all features of CartoCSS
- Attachments
- Instances
- Classes
- Color functions
- Expressions
- etc.
- Can successfully convert complex styles (like the OSM Carto style)
- Not all CartoCSS features are supported by the MapServer builder
- Improved configuration
- ...
You need Go>1.12
Check out or download the repository and call:
make install
The web-frontend of Magnacarto can render map images with Mapserver and Mapnik.
The Mapserver plugin is already included in the default magnaserv
installation and it requires the mapserv
binary in your PATH
on runtime.
The Mapnik plugin needs to be compiled as an additional binary (magnacarto-mapnik
). You need to have Mapnik installed with all header files. It supports 3. Make sure mapnik-config
is in your PATH
. Call make install
to build the plugin binary.
takes a single -mml
magnacarto -mml project.mml > /tmp/magnacarto.xml
To build a MapServer map file:
magnacarto -builder mapserver -mml project.mml > /tmp/
See magnacarto -help
for more options.
Magnaserv is a web-frontend for Magnacarto. Make sure the ./app
directory is in your working directory or next to the magnaserv
To start magnaserv on port 7070:
Magnaserv will search for .mml files in the current working directory or in direct sub-directories.
To start magnaserv on port 8080 with the Mapserver plugin enabled:
magnaserv -builder mapserver -listen
You can configure the location of stylings, shapefiles or images, and database connection parameters with a configuration file. See example-magnacarto.tml
magnaserv -builder mapserver -config magnacarto.tml
Update: v1.3.0 (2024-01-24)
Current libproj versions do not support the old "+init=epsg:3857"-style projection strings anymore. The mapnik3
builder now emits "epsg:3857" by default. You can enable compatibility with older libproj/proj4 versions by using the mapnik3-proj4
builder. Make sure to update the SRS of your layers (in the .mml files) to the new "epsg:3857" style. mapnik3-proj4
will add "+init=" for these SRS.
See docs/examples for example files and usage instructions.
Refer to the Carto project for documentation of the CartoCSS format.
Refer to the following CartoCSS projects for larger .mml and .mss examples.
Please note that openstreetmap-carto relies on a few advanced Mapnik features that are not supported by Mapserver. Future versions of Magnacarto might work around these limitations.
Please use GitHub for questions:
The latest developer documentation can be found here:
The source code is available at:
You can report any issues at:
go test -short ./...
There are regression tests that generate Mapnik and MapServer map files, renders images and compares them.
These tests require Image Magick (compare
) and MapServer >=7 (shp2img
go test ./...