1. Android SDK
2. gradle >= 8.0.2
3. Java version 17(Recomended)
DCNFC_android is available through Jitpack. To install it, simply add the following line to your projects build.gradle file:
- Add Source repo to Podfile
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add dependency to the app level build.gradle file.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.omkardatachecker:DCNFC_android:1.2'
You need to import following modules
import com.example.dcnfclib.DCNFCLib;
import com.example.dcnfclib.model.Constants;
import com.example.dcnfclib.model.EDocument;
Work flow of this library is as follows
Read MRZ of the Document first: To read MRZ, create a field in the activity class as follows;
private DCNFCLib dcnfcLib; }
Inside onCreate() method, please initialize above variable as follows.
dcnfcLib = new DCNFCLib(this, this);
here first parameter is context or AppcompatActivity and secod parameter is Result Listner.
After the above step s, impement the listener methods to receive the scanned document data. as follows
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements DCNFCLib.DCNFCLibResultListnerClient {
following are the listner methods.
public void onSuccess(EDocument eDocument) { Log.d("MainActivity", eDocument.getPersonDetails().getName()); } @Override public void onFailure(Constants.ERROR_CODE error) { Log.d("Error", error.name()); }
Here result is of type EDocument.