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Quasar Fast Exit: Implement withdrawal the happy path (#723)
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* feat: implement happy withdrawal path

* style: sol lint

* refactor: use safemath wherever unused

* fix: minor warnings

* refactor: challengeClaim to use same method for ifeClaim challenges

* fix: safe transfer

* style: changes from review

Co-authored-by: Kevin Sullivan <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
souradeep-das and kevsul authored Jan 14, 2021
1 parent 41c3dd6 commit bf6c44c
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Showing 2 changed files with 1,080 additions and 0 deletions.
339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions plasma_framework/contracts/poc/fast_exits/Quasar.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
pragma solidity 0.5.11;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "../../src/framework/PlasmaFramework.sol";
import "../../src/utils/PosLib.sol";
import "../../src/utils/Merkle.sol";
import "../../src/utils/SafeEthTransfer.sol";
import "../../src/transactions/PaymentTransactionModel.sol";
import "../../src/transactions/GenericTransaction.sol";
import "../../src/exits/utils/MoreVpFinalization.sol";
import "../../src/exits/interfaces/ISpendingCondition.sol";
import "../../src/exits/registries/SpendingConditionRegistry.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";

* @title Quasar Contract
* Implementation Doc -
contract Quasar {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using SafeMath for uint256;
using PosLib for PosLib.Position;

PlasmaFramework public plasmaFramework;
SpendingConditionRegistry public spendingConditionRegistry;

address public quasarOwner;
address public quasarMaintainer;
uint256 public safePlasmaBlockNum;
uint256 public waitingPeriod;
uint256 constant public TICKET_VALIDITY_PERIOD = 14400;
uint256 constant internal SAFE_GAS_STIPEND = 2300;
uint256 public bondValue;
// bond is added to this reserve only when tickets are flushed, bond is returned every other time
uint256 private unclaimedBonds;

struct Ticket {
address payable outputOwner;
uint256 validityTimestamp;
uint256 reservedAmount;
address token;
uint256 bondValue;
bytes rlpOutputCreationTx;
bool isClaimed;

struct Claim {
bytes rlpClaimTx;
uint256 finalizationTimestamp;
bool isValid;

mapping (address => uint256) public tokenUsableCapacity;
mapping (uint256 => Ticket) public ticketData;
mapping (uint256 => Claim) private claimData;

event QuasarTotalEthCapacityUpdated(uint256 balance);
event NewTicketObtained(uint256 utxoPos);

modifier onlyQuasarMaintainer() {
require(msg.sender == quasarMaintainer, "Only the Quasar Maintainer can invoke this method");

* @dev Constructor, takes params to set up quasar contract
* @param plasmaFrameworkContract Plasma Framework contract address
* @param _quasarOwner Receiver address on Plasma
* @param _safePlasmaBlockNum Safe Blocknum limit
* @param _waitingPeriod Waiting period from submission to processing claim
* @param _bondValue bond to obtain tickets
constructor (address plasmaFrameworkContract, address spendingConditionRegistryContract, address _quasarOwner, uint256 _safePlasmaBlockNum, uint256 _waitingPeriod, uint256 _bondValue) public {
plasmaFramework = PlasmaFramework(plasmaFrameworkContract);
spendingConditionRegistry = SpendingConditionRegistry(spendingConditionRegistryContract);
quasarOwner = _quasarOwner;
quasarMaintainer = msg.sender;
safePlasmaBlockNum = _safePlasmaBlockNum;
waitingPeriod = _waitingPeriod;
bondValue = _bondValue;
unclaimedBonds = 0;

// Maintenance methods
* @dev Update the safe blocknum limit
* @param newSafePlasmaBlockNum new blocknum limit, has to be higher than previous blocknum limit
function updateSafeBlockLimit (uint256 newSafePlasmaBlockNum) public onlyQuasarMaintainer() {
require(newSafePlasmaBlockNum > safePlasmaBlockNum, "New limit should be higher than older limit");
safePlasmaBlockNum = newSafePlasmaBlockNum;

* @dev Flush an expired ticket to free up reserved space
* @notice Only an unclaimed ticket can be flushed, bond amount is added to unclaimedBonds
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
function flushExpiredTicket(uint256 utxoPos) public {
uint256 expiryTimestamp = ticketData[utxoPos].validityTimestamp;
require(!ticketData[utxoPos].isClaimed, "The UTXO has already been claimed");
require(block.timestamp > expiryTimestamp && expiryTimestamp != 0, "Ticket still valid or doesn't exist");

uint256 tokenAmount = ticketData[utxoPos].reservedAmount;
ticketData[utxoPos].reservedAmount = 0;
ticketData[utxoPos].validityTimestamp = 0;
tokenUsableCapacity[ticketData[utxoPos].token] = tokenUsableCapacity[ticketData[utxoPos].token].add(tokenAmount);
unclaimedBonds = unclaimedBonds.add(ticketData[utxoPos].bondValue);

* @dev Add Eth Liquid funds to the quasar
function addEthCapacity() public payable onlyQuasarMaintainer() {
tokenUsableCapacity[address(0x0)] = tokenUsableCapacity[address(0x0)].add(msg.value);
emit QuasarTotalEthCapacityUpdated(tokenUsableCapacity[address(0x0)]);

* @dev Withdraw Unblocked Eth funds from the contract
* @param amount amount of Eth(in wei) to withdraw
function withdrawLiquidEthFunds(uint256 amount) public onlyQuasarMaintainer() {
address token = address(0x0);
uint256 withdrawableFunds = unclaimedBonds.add(tokenUsableCapacity[token]);
require(amount <= withdrawableFunds, "Amount should be lower than claimable funds");

// attempt to consume the unclaimed bonds first,
// and then withdraw the residual funds from the pool
if (amount <= unclaimedBonds) {
unclaimedBonds = unclaimedBonds.sub(amount);
} else {
uint256 residualAlmount = amount.sub(unclaimedBonds);
unclaimedBonds = 0;
tokenUsableCapacity[token] = tokenUsableCapacity[token].sub(residualAlmount);
emit QuasarTotalEthCapacityUpdated(tokenUsableCapacity[token]);
SafeEthTransfer.transferRevertOnError(msg.sender, amount, SAFE_GAS_STIPEND);

// Exit procedure
* @dev Obtain a ticket from the Quasar
* @notice Ticket is valid for four hours, pay bond here for obtaining ticket
* @param utxoPos Output that will be spent to the quasar later, is the ticket identifier
* @param rlpOutputCreationTx RLP-encoded transaction that created the output
* @param outputCreationTxInclusionProof Transaction inclusion proof
function obtainTicket(uint256 utxoPos, bytes memory rlpOutputCreationTx, bytes memory outputCreationTxInclusionProof) public payable {
require(msg.value == bondValue, "Bond Value incorrect");
require(!ticketData[utxoPos].isClaimed, "The UTXO has already been claimed");
require(ticketData[utxoPos].validityTimestamp == 0, "This UTXO already has a ticket");

PosLib.Position memory utxoPosDecoded = PosLib.decode(utxoPos);

require(utxoPosDecoded.blockNum <= safePlasmaBlockNum, "The UTXO is from a block later than the safe limit");

PaymentTransactionModel.Transaction memory decodedTx
= PaymentTransactionModel.decode(rlpOutputCreationTx);

FungibleTokenOutputModel.Output memory outputData
= PaymentTransactionModel.getOutput(decodedTx, utxoPosDecoded.outputIndex);

// verify the owner of output is obtaining the ticket
require(verifyOwnership(outputData, msg.sender), "Was not called by the Output owner");

), "Provided Tx doesn't exist");

require(outputData.amount <= tokenUsableCapacity[outputData.token], "Requested amount exceeds the Usable Liqudity");
require(outputData.amount != 0, "Requested amount cannot be zero");

tokenUsableCapacity[outputData.token] = tokenUsableCapacity[outputData.token].sub(outputData.amount);
ticketData[utxoPos] = Ticket(msg.sender, block.timestamp.add(TICKET_VALIDITY_PERIOD), outputData.amount, outputData.token, msg.value, rlpOutputCreationTx, false);
emit NewTicketObtained(utxoPos);

// for simplicity fee has to be from a seperate input in the tx to quasar
* @dev Submit claim after spending the output to the quasar owner
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
* @param utxoPosQuasarOwner pos of the quasar owner's output
* @param rlpTxToQuasarOwner RLP-encoded transaction that spends the output to quasar owner
* @param txToQuasarOwnerInclusionProof Transaction Inclusion proof
function claim(
uint256 utxoPos,
uint256 utxoPosQuasarOwner,
bytes memory rlpTxToQuasarOwner,
bytes memory txToQuasarOwnerInclusionProof
) public {

verifyClaimTxCorrectlyFormed(utxoPos, rlpTxToQuasarOwner);

PosLib.Position memory utxoQuasarOwnerDecoded = PosLib.decode(utxoPosQuasarOwner);
), "Provided Tx doesn't exist");

ticketData[utxoPos].isClaimed = true;
claimData[utxoPos] = Claim(rlpTxToQuasarOwner, block.timestamp.add(waitingPeriod), true);

* @dev Challenge an active claim, can be used to challenge IFEClaims as well
* @notice A challenge is required only when a tx that spends the same utxo was included previously
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
* @param rlpChallengeTx RLP-encoded challenge transaction
* @param challengeTxInputIndex index pos of the same utxo in the challenge transaction
* @param challengeTxWitness Witness for challenging transaction
function challengeClaim(
uint256 utxoPos,
bytes memory rlpChallengeTx,
uint16 challengeTxInputIndex,
bytes memory challengeTxWitness
) public {
require(ticketData[utxoPos].isClaimed && claimData[utxoPos].isValid, "The claim is not challengeable");
require(block.timestamp <= claimData[utxoPos].finalizationTimestamp, "The challenge period is over");
keccak256(claimData[utxoPos].rlpClaimTx) != keccak256(rlpChallengeTx),
"The challenging transaction is the same as the claim transaction"

), "The challenging transaction is invalid");

verifySpendingCondition(utxoPos, rlpChallengeTx, challengeTxInputIndex, challengeTxWitness);

claimData[utxoPos].isValid = false;
Ticket memory ticket = ticketData[utxoPos];
tokenUsableCapacity[ticket.token] = tokenUsableCapacity[ticket.token].add(ticket.reservedAmount);
SafeEthTransfer.transferRevertOnError(msg.sender, ticket.bondValue, SAFE_GAS_STIPEND);

* @dev Process the Claim to get liquid funds
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
function processClaim(uint256 utxoPos) public {
require(block.timestamp > claimData[utxoPos].finalizationTimestamp, "The claim is not finalized yet");
require(claimData[utxoPos].isValid, "The claim has already been claimed or challenged");
address payable outputOwner = ticketData[utxoPos].outputOwner;
uint256 totalAmount = ticketData[utxoPos].reservedAmount.add(ticketData[utxoPos].bondValue);
claimData[utxoPos].isValid = false;
SafeEthTransfer.transferRevertOnError(outputOwner, totalAmount, SAFE_GAS_STIPEND);

// Helper methods
* @dev Verify the owner of the output
* @param output Output Data
* @param expectedOutputOwner expected owner of the output
function verifyOwnership(FungibleTokenOutputModel.Output memory output, address expectedOutputOwner) private pure returns(bool) {
address outputOwner = PaymentTransactionModel.getOutputOwner(output);
return outputOwner == expectedOutputOwner;

* @dev Verify the challengeTx spends the output
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
* @param rlpChallengeTx RLP-encoded challenge transaction
* @param challengeTxInputIndex index pos of the same utxo in the challenge transaction
* @param challengeTxWitness Witness for challenging transaction
function verifySpendingCondition(uint256 utxoPos, bytes memory rlpChallengeTx, uint16 challengeTxInputIndex, bytes memory challengeTxWitness) private {
GenericTransaction.Transaction memory challengingTx = GenericTransaction.decode(rlpChallengeTx);

GenericTransaction.Transaction memory inputTx = GenericTransaction.decode(ticketData[utxoPos].rlpOutputCreationTx);
PosLib.Position memory utxoPosDecoded = PosLib.decode(utxoPos);
GenericTransaction.Output memory output = GenericTransaction.getOutput(inputTx, utxoPosDecoded.outputIndex);

ISpendingCondition condition = spendingConditionRegistry.spendingConditions(
output.outputType, challengingTx.txType
require(address(condition) != address(0), "Spending condition contract not found");
bool isSpent = condition.verify(
require(isSpent, "Spending condition failed");

* @dev Verify the validity of the ticket
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
function verifyTicketValidityForClaim(uint256 utxoPos) private {
require(!ticketData[utxoPos].isClaimed, "Already claimed");
require(ticketData[utxoPos].outputOwner == msg.sender, "Not called by the ticket owner");
uint256 expiryTimestamp = ticketData[utxoPos].validityTimestamp;
require(expiryTimestamp != 0 && block.timestamp <= expiryTimestamp, "Ticket is not valid");

* @dev Verify the claim Tx is properly formed
* @param utxoPos pos of the output, which is the ticket identifier
* @param claimTx the Claim Tx to the quasar owner
function verifyClaimTxCorrectlyFormed(uint256 utxoPos, bytes memory claimTx) private {
PaymentTransactionModel.Transaction memory decodedTx
= PaymentTransactionModel.decode(claimTx);

// first input should be the Utxo with which ticket was obtained
require(decodedTx.inputs[0] == bytes32(utxoPos), "The claim transaction does not spend the correct output");

// first output should be the utxo for Quasar owner
FungibleTokenOutputModel.Output memory outputData
= PaymentTransactionModel.getOutput(decodedTx, 0);

// verify output to Quasar Owner
require(verifyOwnership(outputData, quasarOwner), "The output is not owned by the quasar owner");
// considering fee as a separate input
require(ticketData[utxoPos].reservedAmount == outputData.amount, "Wrong amount sent to quasar owner");
require(ticketData[utxoPos].token == outputData.token, "Wrong token sent to quasar owner");

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