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A command-line tool to generate Latex (inference rules) from inductive coq definitions.

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tl;wr - clone repo, goto examples, launch simplyTyped.[sh/bat], see how it works, adjust to your satisfaction

What is it?

A simple tool to auto-generate LaTeX inference rules from inductive propositions in your Coq file. Figure

Why would I need that?

  • You're working on a paper/thesis/presentation/... and are sick of doing the same work twice
  • Like your fellow humans, you tend to misspell variable names every once in a while. Coq will complain, LaTeX won't.
  • You adjusted some rules and are now getting a headache finding the corresponding spots in that LaTeX-spaghetti code.
  • Or you just hate writing LaTeX.


...of the example you can find at examples/simplyTyped.

Step 1: Locate an inductive proposition

Inductive SimpleExpressionHasType : SimpleEnvironment -> SimpleExpression -> SimpleType -> Prop :=
| TyNum : forall n env, SimpleExpressionHasType env (EValue (VNum n)) TInt
| TyTrue  : forall env, SimpleExpressionHasType env (EValue VTrue) TBool
| TyFalse : forall env, SimpleExpressionHasType env (EValue VFalse) TBool
| TyVariable : forall env tau x,
    env x = Some tau ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env (EVariable x) tau
| TyApplication : forall env e_0 e_1 tau tau',
    SimpleExpressionHasType env e_0 (TFunc tau tau') ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env e_1 tau ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env (EApplication e_0 e_1) tau'
| TyLambda : forall env x e tau tau',
    SimpleExpressionHasType (SimpleEnvironmentSet env x tau) e tau' ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env (ELambda x tau e) (TFunc tau tau')

Step 2: Run the tool (coq2latex.[sh/bat])


<tool> <coq-file (without .v extension)> <name of inductive proposition>

from the directory containing the coq-file. In the above example, this would be

<tool> simplyTyped SimpleExpressionHasType

LaTeX should be thrown at you (meant to be redirected to a tex-file).

If not, make sure that coqtop is in your path (or modify coq2latex.[sh/bat] so it uses the absolute path) and that the coq2latex binary is compiled and found.

Step 3: Compile the LaTeX

What it should look like:


But wait, that looks horrible!


Reason: coq2latex won't guess what an ELambda, env, TInt or SimpleExpressionHasType is supposed to look like. Instead, it assumes that everything is a predicate/function and renders it accordingly (this is a nice fallback as we will see later).

Let's fix that.

Step 4: Provide translation hints

(*coq2latex: SimpleExpressionHasType #G #e #t := #G \vdash #e : #t *)
Inductive SimpleExpressionHasType : SimpleEnvironment -> SimpleExpression -> SimpleType -> Prop :=
| TyNum : forall n env(*\Gamma*), SimpleExpressionHasType env (EValue (VNum n)) TInt
| TyTrue  : forall env(*\Gamma*), SimpleExpressionHasType env (EValue VTrue) TBool
| TyFalse : forall env(*\Gamma*), SimpleExpressionHasType env (EValue VFalse) TBool
| TyVariable : forall env(*\Gamma*) tau(*\*) x,
    env x = Some tau ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env (EVariable x) tau
| TyApplication : forall env(*\Gamma*) e_0 e_1 tau(*\*) tau'(*\*),
    SimpleExpressionHasType env e_0 (TFunc tau(*\*) tau'(*\*)) ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env e_1 tau ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env (EApplication e_0 e_1) tau'
| TyLambda : forall env(*\Gamma*) x e tau(*\*) tau'(*\*),
    SimpleExpressionHasType (SimpleEnvironmentSet env x tau) e tau' ->
    SimpleExpressionHasType env (ELambda x tau e) (TFunc tau tau')

There are two kinds of translation hint you can provide (see below for more detailed documentation):

  1. rewrite rules for relations: (* coq2latex: <relation name> <parameters> := <LaTeX pattern> *)

  2. alternative names for bound variables: <original variable name>(*<LaTeX alternative>*)

    • giving just \ as the LaTeX alternative will simply treat the variable name as a LaTeX command, see tau(*\*)

Step 5: Redo from Step 2 until satisfied

Until it looks something like this:


Note that in rule TyVariable it is still the "fallback" that renders env x as \Gamma(x).



Each parameter is either

  • a variable #<some name> (that matches anything and can be used in the LaTeX pattern) or
  • a Coq expression (that must be matched in order for the rewrite rule to apply)
    • Example:


A command-line tool to generate Latex (inference rules) from inductive coq definitions.






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