released this
02 Jul 18:38
Component: _fireEvent
push __this
to arguments. __this
contains HTMLElement
Utils: fix function github()
for executing callback
Counter: fix for starting when page scrolls
Counter: add attributes data-from
, data-prefix
, data-suffix
. Prefix and suffix must be a plain text.
Observer: add firing event attrchange
when component attribute was ben changed. e.detail
contains an object {attr, newValue, oldValue, __this}
General: add firing event hotkeybonded
when hotkey for component was ben bonded. e.detail
contains an object {__this, hotkey, fn}
General: all components fired event create
when init. The e.detail
contains an object {name, __this}
General: the document fired event component-create
when a component was ben initialized. The e.detail
contains an object {element, name}
Window: fix makeRuntime
calling, issue #1574
Window: fix make window resizable
Typography: add italic
and underline
text classes, issue #1577
You can’t perform that action at this time.