Rich SQL client. Home
Supported databases:
- Postgresql
- MySQL / MariaDB
- Amazon Redshift
Supported Platforms:
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
In order to run SQL Tabs from source code follow the next steps: (In case of any issues please report them here)
Install npm - a javascript package manager
Install electron - a runtime environment for application (version is important):
npm install [email protected] -g
Install React javascript extension the application is written with:
npm install -g react-tools
Get the code, install dependencies and build the application:
git clone cd sqltabs npm install
Run the application:
electron .
When you make changes in the source code under src/ directory it's enough to rebuild only application with the command:
jsx src/ build/
During the development it's convenient to have launched in the separate session the following:
jsx --watch src/ build/
Thus you can skip a manual rebuild. The code will be rebuilt automatically on changes.
Contributions are welcome.