The Beauty-R1 is a bluetooth clicker that I bought thinking it would emulate a bluetooth keyboard.
It turns out that it emulates a mouse instead: when you press a button, it simulates dragging the mouse pointer, not useful for what I need.
Since I couldn't find a development kit to modify its firmware, I wrote this C program that intercepts the events from the clicker and injects keypresses.
It's meant to run in an android tablet via adb shell (since it needs access to the devices under /dev/input/eventX) and uses the "input keyevent X" command to inject the keypresses.
I compile it with
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --static beauty.c -o beauty
then I can push it to the tablet
adb push beauty /data/local/tmp/beauty
You can test it via adb shell either running
/data/local/tmp/beauty debug
(this way it will print out all the events received from the clicker).
Since I don't want to keep an adb connection, I wrote an Automate macro with the ADB shell command block.