This repository is a list of all systems papers regarding the topic of unikernels. Feel free to contribute with a pull request!
- Loupe: Driving the Development of OS Compatibility Layers, ASPLOS'24
- Reboot-based Recovery of Unikernels at the Component Level, DSN'24
- Cloud-Native Database Systems and Unikernels: Reimagining OS Abstractions for Modern Hardware, VLDB'24
- SURE: Secure Unikernels Make Serverless Computing Rapid and Efficient, SOCC'24
- GPU Acceleration in Unikernels Using Cricket GPU Virtualization, SC-W 2023
- Nephele: Extending Virtualization Environments for Cloning Unikernel-based VMs, EuroSys'23
- Unikernel Linux (UKL), EuroSys'23 (UKL)
- Software Compartmentalization Trade-Offs with Hardware Capabilities, PLOS'23 (FlexOS)
- Assessing Scalability and Performance Isolation of Lightweight Virtualization Systems (BSc project report)
- Exploring Unikernels for Serverless Computing (BSc project report)
- KASLR in the age of MicroVMs, EuroSys'22
- Kite: Lightweight Critical Service Domains, EuroSys'22
- FlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation, ASPLOS'22 (FlexOS)
- Want More Unikernels? Inflate Them!, SoCC'22
- Analyzing Unikernel Support for HPC: Experimental Study of OpenMP, ISC High Performance'22 International Workshops
- Unikraft: fast, specialized unikernels the easy way EuroSys'21 (Unikraft)
- Wayfinder: towards automatically deriving optimal OS configurations APSys'21 (Unikraft)
- FlexOS: Making OS Isolation Flexible, HotOS'21
- KylinX: Simplified Virtualization Architecture for Specialized Virtual Appliances with Strong Isolation, ACM TOCS 2021
- CubicleOS: A Library OS with Software Componentisation for Practical Isolation ASPLOS'21
- Binary-Compatibility with Linux Application for a Unikernel Written in Rust (1) (BSc project report)
- Binary-Compatibility with Linux Application for a Unikernel Written in Rust (2) (BSc project report)
- Applying OS Fuzzing Techniques to Unikernels, (BSc project report)
- Evaluating unikernels for HPC applications (MS thesis)
- Towards Highly Specialized, POSIX-compliant Software Stacks with Unikraft: Work-in-Progress EMSOFT'20 (Unikraft)
- Intra-Unikernel Isolation with Intel Memory Protection Keys, VEE'20 (HermitCore)
- A Linux in Unikernel Clothing Eurosys'20 (Lupine)
- A security perspective on Unikernels, IEEE Cyber Security 2020
- Iso-UniK: lightweight multi-process unikernel through memory protection keys Springer Cybersecurity 2020
- SEUSS: skip redundant paths to make serverless fast Eurosys'20
- The Serverkernel Operating System EdgeSys'20
- The Case for Intra-Unikernel Isolation, SPMA'20
- RustyHermit: A Scalable, Rust-Based Virtual Execution Environment, ISC High Performance 2020 (RustyHermit)
- A Binary-Compatible Unikernel, VEE'19 (HermiTux)
- Unikernels: The Next Stage of Linux's Dominance, HotOS'19
- Exploring Rust for Unikernel Development, PLOS'19 (RustyHermit)
- Android Unikernel: Gearing mobile code offloading towards edge computing, FGCS 2018
- Consolidate IoT Edge Computing with Lightweight Virtualization IEEE Network 2018
- Uniguard: Protecting Unikernel using Intel SGX, IEEE IC2E 2018
- Elastic Content Distribution Based on Unikernels and Change-Point Analysis Europeean Wireless 2018
- Blip: JIT and Footloose On The Edge, arXiv 2018
- Unikernel-based Approach for Software-Defined Security in Cloud Infrastructures IEEE NOMS 2018
- KylinX: A Dynamic Library Operating System for Simplified and Efficient Cloud Virtualization ATC'18
- Unikernels as Processes, SOCC'18
- USETL: Unikernels for Serverless Extract Transform and Load Why should you settle for less?, APSys'18
- An architecture for interspatial communication, INFOCOM'18
- Using Unikernels to Address the Cloud Forensic Problem and help Achieve EU GDPR Compliance, Cloud Computing Conference 2018
- A Comparison of Virtualization Technologies for Use in Cloud Data Centers (technical report)
- Optimizing Boot Times and Enhancing Binary Compatibility for Unikernels (MS thesis)
- My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container, SOSP17
- Unikernels Everywhere: The Case for Elastic CDNs, VEE17
- Enabling Fine-Grained Edge Offloading for IoT, SIGCOMM17 (Poster)
- FADES: Fine-Grained Edge Offloading with Unikernels, HotConNet17
- Making the Case for Highly Efficient Multicore Enabled Unikernels With IncludeOS, CLOUD COMPUTING 17
- A Performance Survey of Lightweight Virtualization Techniques, Springer LNCS17
- NFaaS: Named Function as a Service, ICN17
- uniprof: A Unikernel Stack Profiler, SIGCOMM17 (poster)
- The serverless trilemma: function composition for serverless computing Onward! 2017
- EdgeCourier: An Edge-hosted Personal Service for Low-bandwidth Document Synchronization in Mobile Cloud Storage Services SEC'17
- Communication, Compute and Caching (3C) at the edge: The cornerstone for building a versatile 5G ecosystem IEEE Communications Magazine 2017
- An Architecture for Reliable Industry 4.0 Appliances, ATINER's Conference Paper Series 2-17
- Running Multi-Process Applications on Unikernel-based VMs SOSP17 Poster (Poster)
- Enhancing Cloud Security and Privacy: The Unikernel Solution Cloud Computing 2017
- PHP2Uni: Building Unikernels Using Scripting Language Transpilation, IC2E'17
- A Low Noise Unikernel for Extrem-Scale Systems ARCS'17 (HermitCore)
- A model for increasing the performance of an automated testing pipeline (MS thesis)
- Live Updating in Unikernels (MS thesis)
- HermitCore: A Unikernel for Extreme Scale Computing, ROSS16
- On the Fly TCP Acceleration with Miniproxy, HotMiddleBox16
- Enterprise IoT security and scalability: how unikernels can improve the status Quo, UUC16
- Time provisioning Evaluation of KVM, Docker and Unikernels in a Cloud Platform CCGRID'16
- Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels, NSDI 2015 (MirageOS)
- IncludeOS: A minimal, resource efficient unikernel for cloud services, (CloudCom15)
- The Case for the Superfluid Cloud, HotCloud15
- Unikernels: Rise of the Virtual Library Operating System, ACM Queue 2014 (MirageOS)
- Rump Kernels: No OS? No Problem!, ;login14 (Rump)
- Cooperation and Security Isolation of Library OSes for Multi-Process Applications EuroSys 2014 (Graphene)
- OSv—Optimizing the Operating System for Virtual Machines, ATC'14
- ClickOS and the art of network function virtualization NSDI'14
- Unikernels: Library Operating Systems for the Cloud, ASPLOS13 (MirageOS)
- Rethinking the Library OS from the Top Down, ASPLOS11 (Drawbridge)
- Some general info about unikernels: this website, in particular have a look at the "Project" tab:
- Not a paper, but interesting:
- Profiling unikernels:
- There is also the X-ray profiler used in HermitCore: