This module is intended to have a similar interface as the python struct module, but working on bits instead of primitive data types (char, int, ...).
Project homepage:
pip install bitstruct
A basic example of packing and unpacking four integers using the
format string 'u1u3u4s16'
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> pack('u1u3u4s16', 1, 2, 3, -4)
>>> unpack('u1u3u4s16', b'\xa3\xff\xfc')
(1, 2, 3, -4)
>>> calcsize('u1u3u4s16')
An example compiling the format string once, and use it to pack and unpack data:
>>> import bitstruct
>>> cf = bitstruct.compile('u1u3u4s16')
>>> cf.pack(1, 2, 3, -4)
>>> cf.unpack(b'\xa3\xff\xfc')
(1, 2, 3, -4)
Use the pack into and unpack from functions to pack/unpack values at a bit offset into the data, in this example the bit offset is 5:
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> data = bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
>>> pack_into('u1u3u4s16', data, 5, 1, 2, 3, -4)
>>> data
>>> unpack_from('u1u3u4s16', data, 5)
(1, 2, 3, -4)
The unpacked values can be named by assigning them to variables or by wrapping the result in a named tuple:
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> MyName = namedtuple('myname', [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ])
>>> unpacked = unpack('u1u3u4s16', b'\xa3\xff\xfc')
>>> myname = MyName(*unpacked)
>>> myname
myname(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=-4)
>>> myname.c
An example of packing and unpacking an unsinged integer, a signed integer, a float, a boolean, a byte string and a string:
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> pack('u5s5f32b1r13t40', 1, -1, 3.75, True, b'\xff\xff', 'hello')
>>> unpack('u5s5f32b1r13t40', b'\x0f\xd0\x1c\x00\x00?\xffhello')
(1, -1, 3.75, True, b'\xff\xf8', 'hello')
>>> calcsize('u5s5f32b1r13t40')
The same format string and values as in the previous example, but using LSB (Least Significant Bit) first instead of the default MSB (Most Significant Bit) first:
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> pack('<u5s5f32b1r13t40', 1, -1, 3.75, True, b'\xff\xff', 'hello')
>>> unpack('<u5s5f32b1r13t40', b'\x87\xc0\x00\x03\x80\xbf\xff\xf666\xa6\x16')
(1, -1, 3.75, True, b'\xff\xf8', 'hello')
>>> calcsize('<u5s5f32b1r13t40')
An example of unpacking values from a hexstring and a binary file:
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> from binascii import unhexlify
>>> unpack('s17s13r24', unhexlify('0123456789abcdef'))
(582, -3751, b'\xe2j\xf3')
>>> with open("test.bin", "rb") as fin:
... unpack('s17s13r24',
(582, -3751, b'\xe2j\xf3')
Change endianness of the data with byteswap, and then unpack the values:
>>> from bitstruct import *
>>> packed = pack('u1u3u4s16', 1, 2, 3, 1)
>>> unpack('u1u3u4s16', byteswap('12', packed))
(1, 2, 3, 256)
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Install prerequisites.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Implement the new feature or bug fix.
Implement test case(s) to ensure that future changes do not break legacy.
Run the tests.
make test
Create a pull request.