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DBlueJay is a general-purpose database GUI, to TDBC what dbeaver is to JDBC,
but like a blue jay it weighs much less than a beaver. (Hopefully it is less
loud and obnoxious than real blue jays.) All of the core TDBC drivers have at
least some support, and some level of database-specific schema enumeration is
performed for the SQLite3 and PostgreSQL drivers. (MySQL also gets a little more
schema enumeration than the TDBC specification provides, through the standard
INFORMATION_SCHEMA). Some rudimentary support for using these different database
personalities through the core ODBC driver, or through arbitrary TDBC drivers,
also exists. (The information_schema personality, for example, is known to work
with Microsoft SQL Server 2019 in cursory testing).

DBlueJay is far and away the smallest relational-database-browsing GUI (let
alone the smallest universal one) known to its author, and has the corresponding
level of creature comforts. Its main design goal is to allow easy prototyping of
complex queries, with a browsable schema and result-set view that don't
interfere with the query editor (as a CLI database monitor generally does
without extra fiddling). It was also motivated by the apparent lack of a simple
cross-platform GUI application (as opposed to web interfaces such as pgAdmin 4)
that properly supports recent versions of PostgreSQL, and by the various sins
(severe bloat, running only on Windows) of Microsoft's SQL Server Management

Installation should be reasonably straightforward with the included Makefile;
try running the default target for more information. Besides Tcl and Tk (8.6+)
themselves, you'll need TDBC and an appropriate selection of TDBC drivers (this
may or may not be a separate package from Tcl itself on free *NIX systems),
tcllib (for Snit), and my libcargocult, the installation procedure for which
is very much like that for DBlueJay (

Note that due to an upstream bug in tdbc::postgres (ticket 14dee3be9a), many
real PostgreSQL databases (those that involve data types other than the TDBC
standard types) will fail to work correctly with DBlueJay as of this writing,
when using unmodified tdbc::postgres sources. Using a build of tdbc::postgres
with the following patch applied remedies this problem:

Documentation other than the file you're reading may at this time be found
inline in the source code.

Thanks to Brian Hunter (via Wikimedia Commons) for the icon image: