Controller for Connect and Express (Node.js / Express.js / Connect.js). Name comes from Chungking Express.
npm install chungking
Set up a Users controller
// users.js
var BaseController = require('chungking').BaseController;
var Users = BaseController.extend(function() {
// this === Users.prototype
// Before filters are called whenever you call an action.
// They are asynchronous so you need to call
// when you are done.
this.beforeFilter(function() {
console.log('This is called before any action is called.');
this.res.send('Not authorized');
// You can also add methods that are available to all your
// actions.
this.authenticate = function() {
console.log('You can put some authentication code here.');
return true;
// Add actions below
this.action('index', function() {
// this.req, this.res, are available anywhere in
// your controller.
this.res.send('Users index.');
module.exports = Users;
Call the controller from your request handler:
// app.js
var Users = require('./users');
// ...
app.get('/users', function(req, res, next) {
var ctl = new Users(req, res, next);
That's it!
this.authorize = function() {
console.log('This is called before any action is called.');
//authentication code here...
// restrict to only some actions
this.beforeFilter({only: ['edit', 'update', 'create']}, function() {
// execute for all actions except listed actions
this.beforeFilter({except: ['show']}, function() {
You can optionally get them as params to your beforeFilters and actions.
this.beforeFilter(function(req, res, next) {
res.send('aaahhh much better :)');
You can also extend controllers.
Application controller:
// application.js
var BaseController = require('chungking').BaseController;
var Application = BaseController.extend(function() {
// This before filter will be called whenever a controller that
// extends Application gets an action called.
this.beforeFilter(function() {
if(!this.req.user) this.res.send('Unauthorized!');
// Set up some useful aliases
this.beforeFilter(function() {
this.currentSection = 'Application';
// This action will be available to any controller that extends
// the Application controller.
this.action('whoami', function() {
module.exports = Application;
Users controller which extends the Application controller:
// users.js
var Application = require('./application');
var Users = Application.extend(function() {
this.beforeFilter(function() {
console.log('This will be called after the Application'
+ 'controller\'s before filters.');;
this.action('index', function() {
this.res.send('We are in the section ' + this.currentSection);
Rethink how inheritance works. Maybe child controllers should not inherit before filters and actions.
Refactor the way inheritance is done. Maybe use utils.inherit from node.js