The highly original 'Twitter clone'. This was supposed to be a take home assignment but here we are.
- Visit the site and scroll through waves
- View all users
- Sign in/ signup
Create a new user account or use the following dummy credentials
password: beckyemail
Once signed in
- Get a personalized feed
- Create a new wave
- Follow users (unfollow coming soon)
- View your profile information
- See the users you follow
- See the users that follow you
- See all waves that you've created
- Edit your profile
- Logout
- Star this repo
- React - for composable spaghetti code
- Tailwindcss - for unreadable HTML
- Typescript - type safety at the cost of headache
- preline - taiwlind component library that likes to be a lil extra
- React hook form - form states, performance, errors
- Zod - schema resolver, form validator
- Zustand - bearbones state management solution
- Firebase - Backend for the site
- Tailwind/forms - simple resets for your forms
- React loading skeleton - walking skeletons
- React hot toast - the only thing that makes react a little more bearable is its ecosystem
- Fakerjs - mock data generation
- Fecha - Effortless date parsing
- Prettier - opinionated formatting with a minimal .prettierrc config
- Vite(SWC) - blazingly fast module bundler
- pnpm - performant npm. No false audit warnings
This project is built with
pnpm v8.12.0
node v20.7.0
vite: v5.0.8
- If you want to install locally, fork and pull this repo, then run
pnpm install
npm install
- Spin up the development server
pnpm dev
npm dev
- Introduction of more user actions
- Create wave: turn it into a WYSIWYG editor
- Enforcing tests
- Dark theme support
π€ Shashwat Jaiswal
Give a βοΈ if you liked this project!
Copyright Β© 2024 Shashwat Jaiswal.
This project is MIT licensed.
- Pretty SVG illustrations by Katerina Limpitsouni (you are amazing!)
- Icons by Icons8
- Icons by Flaticon