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Releases: ok2cqr/cqrlog

CQRLOG 2.5.2 has been released

12 Feb 16:53
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  • some contest window improvements (showing DXCC, WAZ, ITU, continent)
  • FST4 mode support added (Saku, OH1KH)
  • user can change the locator to use in ADIF import (Florian, DF2ET)
  • CW messages can be saved or loaded from a file (Saku, OH1KH)
  • eQSL upload fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • ADIF import duplicate check fixed, form layout fixed (Saku, OH1KH)
  • New QSO window layout fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • workaround for 'TRegExpr exec: empty input string' error in fpc compiler
  • xdg-open is used in Call extra data window to open the attachments

CQRLOG 2.5.1 has been released

24 Jan 16:03
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  • Winkeyer didn't work (Saku, OH1KH)
  • CW was interrupted with every move from callsign/mode/rst fields
  • QTH Profile numbering (Saku, OH1KH)

CQRLOG 2.5.0 has been released

16 Jan 16:15
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  • 3 user defined buttons for TRX control (Saku, OH1KH)
  • TX quick split using XIT (Saku, OH1KH)
  • support of WPM changes from macros when using Hamlib keyer (Saku, OH1KH)
  • include operator's callsign in the exports (Florian, DF2ET)
  • view eQSL image from list of QSO (Saku, OH1KH)
  • button to show remote station on a map with path and direction (Florian, DF2ET)
  • buttons for adding Mode-RST_sent, Locators_propagation and user defined message to DX spot sending (Saku, OH1KH)
  • ADIF import for JS8, FT4 and PKT (Andreas, DL7OAP)
  • local oscilator configuration added (Florian, DF2ET)
  • user can spot RX freq instead of TX (Florian, DF2ET)
  • export to EDI (Florian, DF2ET)
  • separate CW keyer settings for radio1 and radio2 (Saku, OH1KH)
  • rotor controls updated (Saku, OH1KH)
  • contest filter added (Florian, DF2ET)
  • working with WSJT improved
  • Cabrillo export headers (Saku, OH1KH & Florian, DF2ET)
  • DARK DOK info support added (Florian, DF2ET & Andreas, DL7OAP)
  • Cabrillo export added (Florian, DF2ET)
  • DX cluster improved (Saku, OH1KH)
  • Add option to upload SAT status info to AMSAT status page (Florian, DF2ET)
  • Calculate SAT mode from freq and RX freq. Used in upload and ADIF/HTML exports (Florian, DF2ET)
  • fixes for club membership (Saku, OH1KH & Andreas, DL7OAP)
  • fixes for password special characters (Saku, OH1KH)
  • fixes to ADIF export rules (Andreas, DL7OAP)
  • fixes to contest window (Saku, OH1KH)
  • band <->frequency fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • UTF-8 problems in ADIF (Saku, OH1KH)
  • JTDX & JS8CALL fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • typo in satellite EO-80 (Andreas, DL7OAP)
  • layout fixes for QT5 compilation (Saku, OH1KH)
  • filter to take fix (Saku, OH1KH)
  • eQSL upload fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • CQ monitor fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • CW keys fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • RBN monitor fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • new membership files check fixed
  • export to HTML and ADIF fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • group edit fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • filter settings fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • QTH profile fixes (Saku, OH1KH)
  • callbook database update fixes (Saku, OH1KH)

CQRLOG 2.4.0 has been released

27 Oct 15:13
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  • update with newest lotw satellite list (Andy, DL7OAP)

  • some layout changes and code refactoring

  • feature to select rectangular geometry in the xplanet preferences (Andy, DL7OAP)

  • ADIF import: implement filter by date range (gl-bars)

  • Initial Skimmer Support (Olli, DH2WQ)

  • Show own position on xplanet (Florian, DF2ET)

  • Add to bandpmap works also in Contest window (Saku, OH1KH)

  • WSJT integration improved (Saku, OH1KH)

  • N1MM Remote mode improved (Saku, OH1KH)

  • fixed bug with CTRL+END and/or CTRL+HOME

  • fixed encoding passwords for HamQTH - (Andy, DL7OAP)

  • AutoMark QSL issue fixed (Andy, DL7AOP)

  • eQSL download fixed (Saku, OH1KH)

CQRLOG 2.3.0 has been released!

17 Jun 14:59
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  • wsjt-x: stop TX if split answer to CQ not accepted by caller (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Preferences button in eQSL up&dn load opened wrong tab

  • TRXcontrol: M_Wri-button. Sets memory entry from current rig frequency and mode (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Wsjt-x CQ-monitor: new features Wsjt-map ColorBack and xplanet support. (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Cq-monitor: Overtimed entries turn silvergray in Follow and "no history" (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Band selector to Filter windows added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • CQ-monitor Delta Freqyency instead of Time when "no history" checked (Saku, OH1KH)

  • TRXConterol window. Buttons for Power ON/OFF/STANDBY. Sends corrsponding rigctld cmds to current rig (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Start and stop scripts. Called when cqrlog is up and running and before closing all down. (Saku, OH1KH)

  • StartConnectCommand added to DXCluster (Saku, OH1KH)

  • when remote preferences open to fldigi/wsjt tab (Saku, OH1KH)

  • auto update membership files added (has to be enabled in Prefereces, first)

  • mode field can now store 12 characters (was 10), added mode DIGITALVOICE (Jonas, SM2VSD)

  • support for satellite QSO added

  • eQSL ADIF import now also uses submodes from the ADIF specification to match qsos in log (Jonas, SM2VSD)

  • eQSL ADIf import now also uses timestamp from log (+/-60min) together with timestamp from eQSL to match qsos (Jonas, SM2VSD)

  • CWtype/letter mode: doubling a .. z removed (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Worked grids map: Mode selector did not load user's additions (digimodes) (Saku, OH1KH)

  • Filter section QSL. Controls over group box. Tighter setting of controls (Saku, OH1KH)

  • xplanet support/DXCluster was reversing colors RGB to BGR (Saku, OH1KH)

  • grid map: loc and qso counters fixed. Default start fixed as all/any. Default save as jpg (Saku, OH1KH)

  • QSO Filter layout fixed (Saku, OH1KH)

  • DXCluster/WEB Font button not connected to acFont (no action). Fixed (Saku, OH1KH)

  • wsjtx logging take start and stop times to log (before just stop time) (Saku, OH1KH)

  • fldigi remote socket checking fixed (Saku, OH1KH)

  • loading libbsl library didn't work on 32bit system - fixed

  • LoTW import bug when having multiple QSOs with the same station, on the same band and day fixed (Jonas, SM2VSD)

  • export QSO for LoTW to local adif file fixed

  • problem with number rewrite in report field fixed

  • after edit call/freq/mode/rst_s/rst_r qso were uploaded and deleted from online log several times - fixed

CQRLOG 2.2.0 has been released!

30 Dec 07:35
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  • wsjt remote mode improvements (Saku, OH1KH)
  • CQ-monitor now remembers showing state (Saku, OH1KH)
  • "My Alert" is now compared oppsite way: This should fit also compound callsign XX/YOURCALL or YOURCALL/XX (Saku, OH1KH)
  • CQ-monitor: Country names (cut to length 15) are now displayed instead of callsign prefixes. (Saku, OH1KH)
  • "Show only active band" checkbox addec to Band map filter for quick access. (Saku, OH1KH)
  • "Re/Set" button added to Export "Choose fields to export" dialog for set/reset all check boxes in one go. (Saku, OH1KH)
  • a lot of CQ monitor improvements (Saku, OH1KH)
  • remote wsjt: Short cut key Ctrl+J (Saku, OH1KH)
  • help files updated (Saku, OH1KH)
  • Voice keyer works now also with FM and AM modes and also from CWkeys windows. (Saku, OH1KH)
  • QSO in QSO list window can be sorted in ascending date/time order (oldes QSO first). (Jörg, DL8DTL)
  • CQRLOG should work correcly on HiDPI monitors
  • 630M definition was missing in some functions (Saku, OH1KH)
  • ADIF upload didn't work when name or QTH were too long

CQRLOG 2.1.0 has been released!

06 Aug 18:05
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  • wsjt remote mode improvements (Saku, OH1KH)

  • wsjt cq monitor added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • worked grids map added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • simple Contest window added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • dx cluster window improved

  • propagation from DK0WCY added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • reminder added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • CTRL+Z in dx cluster command line scrolls back last 5 commands (Saku, OH1KH)

  • callsign for DX cluster alert can be defined using regular expressions (Saku, OH1KH)

  • dx cluster alert now allows partial callsigns (e.g. OL200, OK etc.)

  • Show QSO older then user defined date with different color

  • JT4, JT9 and FT8 modes added (Saku, OH1KH)

  • grid field can store 10 charactes (was 6)

  • position storage of New QSO and LoTW import fixed

  • auto backup didn't work for callsigns with / character fixed

  • even CQ/ITU zone 0 from QRZ replaced zone from log - fixed

CQRLOG 2.0.5 has been released!

12 Mar 20:51
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  • sort by gridsquare added to filter
  • new log number is choosen automatically
  • parity parameter for rigctld should be serial_parity
  • cqrlog had icon only in Gnome

CQRLOG 2.0.4 has been released!

12 Jan 18:52
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  • fixed crash after startup
  • new icon courtesy by Serge, ON4AA
  • "Remarks" renamed to "Comment to QSO" in group edit
  • Group edit of Comment to QSO was always converted to uppercase
  • RST_S and RST_R default walues from Preferences have been ignored
  • cqrlog crashed after recent DXCC tables update - fixed

CQRLOG 2.0.2 has been released!

28 Aug 17:59
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  • QSLMSG added to ADIF export for eQSL
  • CW type window didn't show - fixed
  • TRX control set LSB to 60M instead of USB - fixed
  • CW type window didn't show - fixed