Doorstop is a requirements management tool that facilitates the storage of textual requirements alongside source code in version control.
When a project utilizes this tool, each linkable item (requirement, test case, etc.) is stored as a YAML file in a designated directory. The items in each directory form a document. The relationship between documents forms a tree hierarchy. Doorstop provides mechanisms for modifying this tree, validating item traceability, and publishing documents in several formats.
Doorstop is under active development and we welcome contributions.
The project is licensed as GPLv3.
To report a problem or a security vulnerability please raise an issue
Additional reading:
- publication: JSEA Paper
- talks: GRDevDay, BarCamp
- sample: Generated HTML
- Python 3.3+
- A version control system for requirements storage
Install Doorstop with pip:
$ pip install doorstop
or directly from source:
$ git clone
$ cd doorstop
$ python install
After installation, Doorstop is available on the command-line:
$ doorstop --help
And the package is available under the name 'doorstop':
$ python
>>> import doorstop
>>> doorstop.__version__
Switch to an existing version control working directory, or create one:
$ git init .
Create a new parent requirements document:
$ doorstop create SRD ./reqs/srd
Add a few items to that document:
$ doorstop add SRD
$ doorstop add SRD
$ doorstop add SRD
Create a child document to link to the parent:
$ doorstop create HLTC ./tests/hl --parent SRD
$ doorstop add HLTC
Link items between documents:
$ doorstop link HLTC001 SRD002
Run integrity checks on the document tree:
$ doorstop
Publish the documents as HTML:
$ doorstop publish all ./public