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Timetable for Engineering students at Nazarbayev University


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Here are the instruction on how to use C++ "Timetable.cpp" file to get a timetable.

There are 3 input files, let's go through them.

First one is "data.txt":

  • This .txt file contains all the data about courses, professsors, faculties and corresponding class types. Here you need to need to use underscore instead of spaces and write courses, professors, faculty and class types separetly. Also, when specifying class types: If there are 3 class types provided by the course like lecture, tutorial and laboratory work/computer laboratory work, you should write in the following form: L T Lab(or C) (order does not matter) If there is no tutorials then use underscore "_" instead. Example: L C _

Second one is "group.txt":

  • Here you need firstly write faculty with semicolon in the end (compulsory!). Afterwards, you need to specify group names as (G1, G2, etc.) and capacity of these groups. Example: G1 30

Third one is "rooms.txt":

  • Here you write room name, capacity and type of the room. Example: Orange_Hall 460 lecture (notice undersore instead of spacing) 3.302 90 tutorial

After you completed input files, run the program "Timetable.exe". It will create a file "timetable.txt" with the final version of your timetable for all groups.

As an example there are 3 input files in this folder and corresponding timetable. ALL THE FILES SHOULD BE HELD IN ONE FOLDER!!!! Good luck!!!


TimeTable Creator designed for Engineers






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