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Implement mortar/artillery support ranging shot and walking barrage (#…
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* Implement mortar/artillery support ranging shot and walking barrage

* Artillery support tweaks:
- Reduced change of using area supports when aggro is low.
- Mortars & artillery may take two ranging shots at longer distances.
- Fixed marker timeout.
  • Loading branch information
jaj22 authored Sep 29, 2024
1 parent 10dfbe9 commit 92ff794
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Showing 4 changed files with 60 additions and 50 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion A3A/addons/core/functions/Supports/fn_SUP_artillery.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if (_target isEqualType objNull) then {
// name, side, suppType, pos, radius, remTargets, targets
private _suppData = [_supportName, _side, "ARTILLERY", markerPos _base, _maxRange, _targArray, _minRange];
A3A_activeSupports pushBack _suppData;
[_suppData, _vehicle, _group, _delay, _reveal] spawn A3A_fnc_SUP_mortarRoutine;
[_suppData, _vehicle, _group, _delay, _reveal, true] spawn A3A_fnc_SUP_mortarRoutine;

[_reveal, _side, "ARTILLERY", _targPos, _delay] spawn A3A_fnc_showInterceptedSetupCall;

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion A3A/addons/core/functions/Supports/fn_SUP_mortar.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ if (_target isEqualType objNull) then {
// name, side, suppType, pos, radius, remTargets, targets
private _suppData = [_supportName, _side, "MORTAR", _spawnParams#0, _maxRange, _targArray, _minRange];
A3A_activeSupports pushBack _suppData;
[_suppData, _vehicle, _group, _delay, _reveal] spawn A3A_fnc_SUP_mortarRoutine;
[_suppData, _vehicle, _group, _delay, _reveal, false] spawn A3A_fnc_SUP_mortarRoutine;

[_reveal, _side, "MORTAR", _targPos, _delay] spawn A3A_fnc_showInterceptedSetupCall;

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99 changes: 53 additions & 46 deletions A3A/addons/core/functions/Supports/fn_SUP_mortarRoutine.sqf
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Expand Up @@ -8,63 +8,52 @@ Arguments:
<GROUP> Crew group of mortar/artillery vehicle
<SCALAR> Delay time in seconds
<SCALAR> Amount of information to reveal to rebels, 0-1
<BOOL> True if it's heavy artillery, false if mortar/light

#include "..\..\script_component.hpp"

params ["_suppData", "_mortar", "_crewGroup", "_sleepTime", "_reveal","_isHeavyArty"];
params ["_suppData", "_mortar", "_crewGroup", "_sleepTime", "_reveal", "_isHeavyArty"];
_suppData params ["_supportName", "_side", "_suppType", "_suppCenter", "_suppRadius", "_target"];

//Sleep to simulate the time it would need to set the support up
sleep _sleepTime;

//Decrease number of rounds and time alive if aggro is low
private _sideAggression = if(_side == Occupants) then {aggressionOccupants} else {aggressionInvaders};
private _numberOfRounds = 24;
private _timeAlive = 1200;

//If the aggro is low, the mortar will shoot less and stay longer in one spot
if((30 + random 40) >_sideAggression) then
_numberOfRounds = 12;
_timeAlive = 1800;
private _shotsPerVolley = _numberOfRounds / 3;
private _shotsForEffect = 6;
private _maxVolleys = 3;
private _reloadTime = [3,10] select _isHeavyArty;
private _spreadOffset = [100, 200] select _isHeavyArty;

//A function to repeatedly fire onto a target without loops by using an EH
private _fn_executeMortarFire =
params ["_mortar"];

_mortar addEventHandler
params ["_mortar"];

private _subTargets = _mortar getVariable ["FireOrder", []];
if(count _subTargets == 0) exitWith
_mortar removeEventHandler ["Fired", _thisEventHandler];
_mortar setVariable ["FireOrder", nil];
private _shellTarget = _subTargets deleteAt 0;

[_shellTarget, _mortar] spawn
params ["_shellTarget", "_mortar"];
sleep 1;
_mortar doArtilleryFire [_shellTarget, _mortar getVariable "shellType", 1];
_mortar addEventHandler ["Fired", {
params ["_mortar"];

private _subTargets = _mortar getVariable ["FireOrder", []];
if (_subTargets isEqualTo []) exitWith {
_mortar removeEventHandler ["Fired", _thisEventHandler];
_mortar setVariable ["FireOrder", nil];
(_subTargets deleteAt 0) params ["_shotPos", "_delayTime"];

[_shotPos, _delayTime, _mortar] spawn {
params ["_shotPos", "_delayTime", "_mortar"];
sleep _delayTime;
_mortar doArtilleryFire [_shotPos, _mortar getVariable "shellType", 1];

sleep 30; // Give players a bit more warning before the shells land
private _subTargets = _mortar getVariable ["FireOrder", []];
private _target = _subTargets deleteAt 0;
_mortar doArtilleryFire [_target, _mortar getVariable "shellType", 1];

// Fire first shot after specified delay
(_subTargets deleteAt 0) params ["_shotPos", "_delayTime"];
sleep _delayTime;
_mortar doArtilleryFire [_shotPos, _mortar getVariable "shellType", 1];

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,34 +90,52 @@ while {time < _timeout} do

if !(isNil {_mortar getVariable "FireOrder"}) then { continue }; // mortar still firing at last target

if (_numberOfRounds <= 0) exitWith {
if (_maxVolleys <= 0) exitWith {
Info_1("%1 has no more rounds left to fire, aborting routine", _supportName);

// Read in new target if there is one
if (_target isEqualTo []) then { continue }; // no new target added yet
_mortar setVehicleAmmo 1;
private _targetPos = _target select 1; // only use position here, not target object
_target resize 0; // clear target array so that a new one can be added externally
Debug_2("%1 Next target is %2", _supportName, _targetPos);

// 50m circular spread because it's easy
private _flightTime = _mortar getArtilleryETA [_targetPos, _mortar getVariable "shellType"];
private _subTargets = [];
for "_i" from 1 to _shotsPerVolley do {
_subTargets pushBack (_targetPos getPos [random 50, random 360]);

// Ranging shots
if (_mortar distance2d _targetPos - 1500 < random 1500) then {
_subTargets pushBack [_targetPos getPos [_spreadOffset, random 360], 20];
} else {
_subTargets pushBack [_targetPos getPos [_spreadOffset*1.5, random 360], 20];
_subTargets pushBack [_targetPos getPos [_spreadOffset*0.75, random 360], _flightTime];

// Other shots draw a line through the target
private _targDir = getPosATL _mortar vectorFromTo _targetPos;
private _startPos = _targetPos vectorAdd (_targDir vectorMultiply -0.5*_spreadOffset);
private _increment = _targDir vectorMultiply (_spreadOffset / (_shotsForEffect-1));

_subTargets pushBack [_startPos, _flightTime];
for "_i" from 1 to (_shotsForEffect-1) do {
private _shotPos = _startPos vectorAdd (_increment vectorMultiply _i);
_subTargets pushBack [_shotPos, _reloadTime];

private _volleyTime = 0;
{ _volleyTime = _volleyTime + (_x#1) } forEach _subTargets;
_timeout = _timeout max (time + _volleyTime); // don't cleanup until the volley is done
[_reveal, _targetPos, _side, _suppType, 150, _volleyTime] spawn A3A_fnc_showInterceptedSupportCall;

// Start shooting
_mortar setVariable ["FireOrder", _subTargets];
[_mortar, _targetPos] spawn _fn_rotateToTarget;
[_mortar] spawn _fn_executeMortarFire;
_numberOfRounds = _numberOfRounds - _shotsPerVolley;
_timeout = _timeout max (time + 60); // don't cleanup until the volley is done
_maxVolleys = _maxVolleys - 1;

//Makes sure that all units escape before attacking
// [_side, _targetMarker] spawn A3A_fnc_clearTargetArea;
private _flightTime = _mortar getArtilleryETA [_targetPos, _mortar getVariable "shellType"];
private _reloadTime = [10,3] select (_mortar isKindOf "StaticMortar");
[_reveal, _targetPos, _side, _suppType, 150, 30+_flightTime+_reloadTime*_numberOfRounds] spawn A3A_fnc_showInterceptedSupportCall;

_mortar removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions A3A/addons/core/functions/Supports/fn_requestSupport.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,10 +69,13 @@ private _classWeightsHM = call {
// Shortcut this for air targets
if (_target isKindOf "Air") exitWith { createHashMapFromArray [["AREA", 0], ["TROOPS", 0], ["TARGET", 1]] };

// AREA has stronger reduction than TROOPS but over a smaller area
private _weightArea = 1;
// Some general aggro weighting for area supports
private _aggro = [aggressionInvaders, aggressionOccupants] select (_side == Occupants);
private _weightArea = 0.5 + (_aggro/200);
private _weightTarget = 1;
private _weightTroops = 1;

// AREA has stronger reduction than TROOPS but over a smaller area
_x params ["_sside", "_btype", "_starg", "_endtime", "_dur", "_pow"];
if (_sside != _side or time >= _endtime) then { continue };
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