Inspired by the lack of simple note taking tools for developers and engineers, MarkdownNotes is an ultra-simple yet extendable application for taking engineering notes in markdown. Why use MarkdownNotes over other note taking tools / markdown implementations?
- Bloat-free -- no built-in user interfaces, editors, or clouds.
- Built-in indexing -- table of contents and automatic linking via regex.
- Simple REPL loop -- see changes rendered as you make them.
- Simple API -- add new extensions and macros (below are macros included in the example).
- Table parsing: CSV/TSV.
- Math typesetting: KaTeX and MathJax.
- Diagramming languages: GraphViz, PlantUML, and svgbob.
- Programming languages: Python, Node, and Java.
- Image annotations/manipulations.
- etc..
The flavour of Markdown extended by MarkdownNotes is CommonMark.
To setup MarkdownNotes...
- clone the repository.
- ensure buildah and runc are installed.
- ensure NodeJS is installed.
- run
npm install
To run MarkdownNotes, run npm start -- [path]
(where [path]
is your work directory). A browser window will open to the rendered output of [path]/input/
. Any changes to any file in [path]/input
will result in the rendered output being updated (scroll position will be maintained).
The rendered output is in the HTML file located at [path]/output/output.html
WARNING: You may have issues installing buildah on Ubuntu 18+. If the projectatomic PPA doesn't register with Ubuntu, you'll need to tell Ubuntu to reference the PPA as if it were an older version of Ubuntu. Open the Software & Updates application, go to the Other Updates tab, and edit the projectatomic entry such that the distribution points to an earlier release of Ubuntu (e.g. bionic). Once that's done, try performing the installation instructions again.
The markdown syntax used by MarkdownNotes is an extended variant of CommonMark. Extensions and macros are written either as fenced or inline code, where the language is set to the name of the extension. For example, if a fenced code extension / macro named kt
existed to insert a KaTeX expression...
For each new extension, create a class that extends the Extension
interface in src/markdown/extender_plugin.ts and register it with extenderConfig
in src/markdown/markdown.ts. Extension
is a simplified TypeScript interface for extending markdown-it's markdown syntax. For example implementations, check out any file with a _extension.ts
suffix in src/markdown.
For each new macro, create a special directory with that includes the code to run. The example included documents exactly how to create macros and includes an example st of macros (set of example macros listed above): output and input.
For each new extension, simply create a class that extends the Extension
interface in src/markdown/extender_plugin.ts and register it with extenderConfig
in src/markdown/markdown.ts. Extension
is a simplified TypeScript interface for extending markdown-it's markdown syntax. For example implementations, check out any file with a _extension.ts
suffix in src/markdown.