A toy program that implements a text-based web browser as a language server.
My favorite progrmming tools are neovim, tmux on a fast terminal emulator and firefox. R.I.P. vimperator. I've tried w3m, lynx, browsh, libsixel, vim-bind webextension, keyboard-driven browser, etc. but I can't find anything that goes beyond vimerator.
There is no implementation
- initialize, shutdown, exit
creates first tab but not connecttextDocument/formatting
shows tab contents in text editor
- text-based web browser
- Using a full-featured browser
- Connecting via Chrome DevTools Protocol
- It's impossible to develop a full-featured browser by myself
- and you can switch to the GUI
- Non-textual rich contents may be required
- Human-readable text mode and Raw (html) mode
- Web developer friendly
- Nested [onclick] can be clicked precisely
- zoom in/out html tags
- Focus on the main content of a page with multiple columns
I'm considering about operations required for the browser and corresponding lsp methods.