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Remove the external-lib-deps command #4298

3 commits merged into from Mar 2, 2021
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ Unreleased
- Automatically delete left-over Merlin files when rebuilding for the first time
a project previously built with Dune `<= 2.7`. (#4261, @voodoos, @aalekseyev)

- Remove the `external-lib-deps` command. This command was only
approximative and the cost of maintainance was getting too high. We
removed it to make room for new more important features

2.8.2 (21/01/2021)

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8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -72,11 +72,7 @@ let runtest =
let term =
let+ common = Common.term
and+ dirs = Arg.(value & pos_all string [ "." ] name_) in
Common.set_common common
( dirs ~f:(fun s ->
let dir = Path.Local.of_string s in
Arg.Dep.alias_rec ~dir Dune_engine.Alias.Name.runtest));
Common.set_common common;
let targets (setup : Import.Main.build_system) = dirs ~f:(fun dir ->
let dir = Path.(relative root) (Common.prefix_target common dir) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ let build =
| [] -> [ Common.default_target common ]
| _ :: _ -> targets
Common.set_common common ~targets;
Common.set_common common;
let targets setup = Target.resolve_targets_exn common setup targets in
run_build_command ~common ~targets
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let command =
includes deleting the log file. Not only creating the log file would be
useless but with some FS this also causes [dune clean] to fail (cf *)
Common.set_common common ~targets:[] ~log_file:No_log_file;
Common.set_common common ~log_file:No_log_file;
Build_system.files_in_source_tree_to_delete ()
|> Path.Set.iter ~f:Path.unlink_no_err;
Path.rm_rf Path.build_dir
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18 changes: 2 additions & 16 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -114,12 +114,10 @@ let normalize_path path =

let set_dirs c =
let set_common ?log_file c =
if c.root.dir <> Filename.current_dir_name then Sys.chdir c.root.dir;
Path.set_root (normalize_path (Path.External.cwd ()));
Path.Build.set_build_dir (Path.Build.Kind.of_string c.build_dir)

let set_common_other ?log_file c ~targets =
Path.Build.set_build_dir (Path.Build.Kind.of_string c.build_dir);
Dune_config.init c.config;
Dune_util.Log.init () ?file:log_file;
Clflags.debug_dep_path := c.debug_dep_path;
Expand All @@ -134,22 +132,10 @@ let set_common_other ?log_file c ~targets =
Clflags.no_print_directory := c.no_print_directory;
Clflags.store_orig_src_dir := c.store_orig_src_dir;
Clflags.promote_install_files := c.promote_install_files;
Clflags.external_lib_deps_hint :=
[ [ "dune"; "external-lib-deps"; "--missing" ]
; c.orig_args
; ~f:Arg.Dep.to_string_maybe_quoted targets
Clflags.always_show_command_line := c.always_show_command_line;
Clflags.ignore_promoted_rules := c.ignore_promoted_rules;
Option.iter ~f:Dune_engine.Stats.enable c.stats_trace_file

let set_common ?log_file ?external_lib_deps_mode c ~targets =
Option.iter external_lib_deps_mode ~f:(fun x ->
Clflags.external_lib_deps_mode := x);
set_dirs c;
set_common_other ?log_file c ~targets

let footer =
[ `S "BUGS"
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25 changes: 4 additions & 21 deletions bin/common.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,27 +34,10 @@ val prefix_target : t -> string -> string

val instrument_with : t -> Dune_engine.Lib_name.t list option

(** [set_common ?log common ~targets ~external_lib_deps_mode] is
[set_dirs common] followed by [set_common_other common ~targets]. In
general, [set_common] executes sequence of side-effecting actions to
initialize Dune's working environment based on the options determined in a
[Common.t] record.contents. *)
val set_common :
-> ?external_lib_deps_mode:bool
-> t
-> targets:Arg.Dep.t list
-> unit

(** [set_common_other common ~targets] sets all stateful values dictated by
[common], except those accounted for by [set_dirs]. [targets] are used to
obtain external library dependency hints, if needed. *)
val set_common_other :
?log_file:Dune_util.Log.File.t -> t -> targets:Arg.Dep.t list -> unit

(** [set_dirs common] sets the workspace root and build directories, and makes
the root the current working directory *)
val set_dirs : t -> unit
(** [set_common] executes sequence of side-effecting actions to initialize
Dune's working environment based on the options determined in a [Common.t]
record.contents. *)
val set_common : ?log_file:Dune_util.Log.File.t -> t -> unit

(** [examples \[("description", "dune cmd foo"); ...\]] is an [EXAMPLES] manpage
section of enumerated examples illustrating how to run the documented
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let term =
& info [] ~docv:"INPUT"
~doc:"Use $(docv) as the input to the function.")
Common.set_common common ~targets:[] ~external_lib_deps_mode:true;
Common.set_common common;
let action =
Scheduler.go ~common (fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
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Expand Up @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ let term =
and+ context_name = Common.context_arg ~doc:"Build context to use."
and+ format = Format.arg
and+ lang = Lang.arg in
Common.set_common common ~targets:[] ~external_lib_deps_mode:false;
Common.set_common common;
let what = What.parse what ~lang in
Scheduler.go ~common (fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let term =
value & flag
& info [ "no-build" ] ~doc:"don't rebuild target before executing")
and+ args = Arg.(value & pos_right 0 string [] ( [] ~docv:"ARGS")) in
Common.set_common common ~targets:[ Arg.Dep.file prog ];
Common.set_common common;
let setup =
Scheduler.go ~common (fun () -> (Import.Main.setup common))
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188 changes: 14 additions & 174 deletions bin/
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@@ -1,188 +1,28 @@
open Stdune
open! Stdune
open Import

let pp_external_libs libs =
Pp.enumerate (Lib_name.Map.to_list libs) ~f:(fun (name, kind) ->
match (kind : Lib_deps_info.Kind.t) with
| Optional -> Pp.textf "%s (optional)" (Lib_name.to_string name)
| Required -> Pp.textf "%s" (Lib_name.to_string name))

let doc = "Print out external libraries needed to build the given targets."
let doc = "Removed command."

let man =
; `P {|Print out the external libraries needed to build the given targets.|}
; `P
{|The output of $(b,dune external-lib-deps @install) should be included
in what is written in your $(i,<package>.opam) file.|}
"This subcommand used to print out anapproximate set of external \
libraries that were required for building a given set of targets, \
without running the build. While this feature was useful, over time the \
quality of approximation had degraded and the cost of maintenance had \
increased, so we decided to remove it.\n"
; `Blocks Common.help_secs

let info = "external-lib-deps" ~doc ~man

let all_lib_deps ~request =
let targets = Build_system.static_deps_of_request request in
let rules = Build_system.rules_for_transitive_closure targets in
let lib_deps = rules ~f:(fun (rule : Dune_engine.Rule.t) ->
let deps = Lib_deps_info.lib_deps in
(rule, deps))
let module Context_name = Dune_engine.Context_name in
let contexts = Build_system.contexts () in
List.fold_left lib_deps ~init:[]
~f:(fun acc ((rule : Dune_engine.Rule.t), deps) ->
if Lib_name.Map.is_empty deps then
match Path.Build.extract_build_context rule.dir with
| None -> acc
| Some (context, p) ->
let context = Context_name.of_string context in
(context, (p, deps)) :: acc)
|> Context_name.Map.of_list_multi
|> Context_name.Map.filteri ~f:(fun ctx _ ->
Context_name.Map.mem contexts ctx)
~f:(Path.Source.Map.of_list_reduce ~f:Lib_deps_info.merge)

let opam_install_command ?switch_name packages =
let cmd =
match switch_name with
| Some name -> Printf.sprintf "opam install --switch=%s" name
| None -> "opam install"
cmd :: packages |> String.concat ~sep:" "

let run ~lib_deps ~by_dir ~setup ~only_missing ~sexp =
Dune_engine.Context_name.Map.foldi lib_deps ~init:false
~f:(fun context_name lib_deps_by_dir acc ->
let lib_deps =
Path.Source.Map.values lib_deps_by_dir
|> List.fold_left ~init:Lib_name.Map.empty ~f:Lib_deps_info.merge
let sctx =
Dune_engine.Context_name.Map.find_exn setup.Import.Main.scontexts
let switch_name =
match (Super_context.context sctx).Context.kind with
| Default -> None
| Opam { switch; _ } -> Some switch
let internals = Super_context.internal_lib_names sctx in
let is_external name _kind = not (Lib_name.Set.mem internals name) in
let externals = Lib_name.Map.filteri lib_deps ~f:is_external in
if only_missing then (
if by_dir || sexp then
[ Pp.textf
"--only-missing cannot be used with --unstable-by-dir or --sexp"
let context =
List.find_exn setup.workspace.contexts ~f:(fun c ->
Dune_engine.Context_name.equal context_name)
let missing =
Lib_name.Map.filteri externals ~f:(fun name _ ->
not (Findlib.available context.findlib name))
if Lib_name.Map.is_empty missing then
else if
Lib_name.Map.for_alli missing ~f:(fun _ kind ->
kind = Lib_deps_info.Kind.Optional)
then (
[ Pp.textf
"The following libraries are missing in the %s context:"
(Dune_engine.Context_name.to_string context_name)
; pp_external_libs missing
) else
let required_package_names =
Lib_name.Map.to_list missing
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun (name, kind) ->
match (kind : Lib_deps_info.Kind.t) with
| Optional -> None
| Required -> Some (Lib_name.package_name name))
|> Package.Name.Set.of_list |> Package.Name.Set.to_list
|> ~f:Package.Name.to_string
[ Pp.textf
"The following libraries are missing in the %s context:"
(Dune_engine.Context_name.to_string context_name)
; pp_external_libs missing
[ Dune_engine.Utils.pp_command_hint
(opam_install_command ?switch_name required_package_names)
) else if sexp then (
if not by_dir then
User_error.raise [ Pp.textf "--sexp requires --unstable-by-dir" ];
let lib_deps_by_dir =
|> ~f:(Lib_name.Map.filteri ~f:is_external)
|> Path.Source.Map.filter ~f:(fun m -> not (Lib_name.Map.is_empty m))
let sexp =
Path.Source.Map.to_dyn Lib_deps_info.to_dyn lib_deps_by_dir
|> Sexp.of_dyn
Format.printf "%a@." Pp.to_fmt
[ Atom (Dune_engine.Context_name.to_string context_name); sexp ]));
) else (
if by_dir then
[ Pp.textf "--unstable-by-dir cannot be used without --sexp" ];
[ Pp.textf
"These are the external library dependencies in the %s \
(Dune_engine.Context_name.to_string context_name)
; pp_external_libs externals

let term =
let+ common = Common.term
and+ only_missing =
value & flag
& info [ "missing" ] ~doc:{|Only print out missing dependencies|})
and+ targets = Arg.(non_empty & pos_all dep [] & [] ~docv:"TARGET")
and+ by_dir =
value & flag
& info [ "unstable-by-dir" ]
{|Print dependencies per directory
(this feature is currently unstable)|})
and+ sexp =
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "sexp" ] ~doc:{|Produce a s-expression output|})
Common.set_common common ~targets:[] ~external_lib_deps_mode:true;
let setup, lib_deps =
Scheduler.go ~common (fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
let+ setup = (Import.Main.setup common) in
let targets = Target.resolve_targets_exn common setup targets in
let request = Target.request targets in
let deps = all_lib_deps ~request in
(setup, deps))
let failure = run ~by_dir ~setup ~lib_deps ~sexp ~only_missing in
if failure then raise Dune_util.Report_error.Already_reported
@@ let+ _ = Common.term
and+ _ = Arg.(value & flag & info [ "missing" ] ~doc:{|unused|})
and+ _ = Arg.(value & pos_all dep [] & [] ~docv:"TARGET")
and+ _ = Arg.(value & flag & info [ "unstable-by-dir" ] ~doc:{|unused|})
and+ _ = Arg.(value & flag & info [ "sexp" ] ~doc:{|unused|}) in
`Error (false, "This subcommand is no longer implemented.")

let command = (term, info)
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion bin/
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module Super_context = Dune_rules.Super_context
module Context = Dune_rules.Context
module Config = Dune_engine.Config
module Lib_name = Dune_engine.Lib_name
module Lib_deps_info = Dune_rules.Lib_deps_info
module Build_system = Dune_engine.Build_system
module Findlib = Dune_rules.Findlib
module Package = Dune_engine.Package
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
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Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let term =
& opt (some (enum Component.Options.Project.Pkg.commands)) None
& info [ "pkg" ] ~docv ~doc)
Common.set_common common_term ~targets:[];
Common.set_common common_term;
let open Component in
let context = Init_context.make path in
let common : Options.Common.t = { name; libraries; pps } in
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Expand Up @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ let install_uninstall ~what =
"Select context to install from. By default, install files from \
all defined contexts.")
and+ sections = Sections.term in
Common.set_common ~log_file:No_log_file common ~targets:[];
Common.set_common ~log_file:No_log_file common;
Scheduler.go ~common (fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
let* workspace = (Import.Main.scan_workspace common) in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let term =
& info [ "na"; "not-available" ]
~doc:"List libraries that are not available and explain why")
Common.set_common common ~targets:[];
Common.set_common common;
let capture_outputs = Common.capture_outputs common in
let _env : Env.t = Import.Main.setup_env ~capture_outputs in
Scheduler.go ~common (fun () ->
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let term =
debugging purposes only and should not be considered as a stable \
Common.set_common common ~log_file:No_log_file ~targets:[];
Common.set_common common ~log_file:No_log_file;
Dune_engine.File_tree.init ~recognize_jbuilder_projects:true
let x = Common.x common in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ module Dump_dot_merlin = struct
"The path to the folder of which the configuration should be \
printed. Defaults to the current directory.")
Common.set_common common ~log_file:No_log_file ~targets:[];
Common.set_common common ~log_file:No_log_file;
Dune_engine.File_tree.init ~recognize_jbuilder_projects:true
let x = Common.x common in
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