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Remove inotifywait
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We use inotify directly, there's no need for a command line backend.

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <[email protected]>
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rgrinberg committed Sep 25, 2021
1 parent 317e653 commit c496098
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 84 deletions.
95 changes: 11 additions & 84 deletions src/dune_file_watcher/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,29 +193,6 @@ module Buffer = struct
List.rev !lines)

module Inotifywait = struct
let wait_for_watches_established stderr =
let buffer = Buffer.create ~capacity:65536 in
let rec loop () =
match Buffer.read_lines buffer stderr with
| `End_of_file _last_line -> `Error
| `Ok lines ->
if List.exists lines ~f:(String.equal "Watches established.") then
loop ()
loop ()

let parse_message s =
match String.drop_prefix ~prefix:"e:" s with
| None -> Error "invalid message (prefix missing)"
| Some event -> (
match String.lsplit2 ~on:':' event with
| Some (_kind, path) -> Ok path
| None -> Error "invalid message (event type missing)")

let special_file_for_inotify_sync =
let path = lazy (Path.Build.relative Path.Build.root "dune-inotify-sync") in
fun () -> Lazy.force path
Expand All @@ -236,26 +213,6 @@ let command ~root ~backend =
Path.Build.to_string (special_file_for_inotify_sync ())
match backend with
| `Inotifywait inotifywait ->
(* On Linux, use inotifywait. *)
let excludes = String.concat ~sep:"|" exclude_patterns in
( inotifywait
, List.concat
[ [ "-r"; root ]
(* excluding with "@" is more efficient that using --exclude because
it avoids creating inotify watches altogether, while --exclude
merely filters the events after they are generated *)
; exclude_paths ~f:(fun path ->
"@" ^ Filename.concat root path)
; [ inotify_special_path ]
; [ "--exclude"; excludes ]
; [ "-e"; "close_write" ]
; [ "-e"; "delete" ]
; [ "--format"; "e:%e:%w%f" ]
; [ "-m" ]
, Inotifywait.parse_message
, Some Inotifywait.wait_for_watches_established )
| `Fswatch fswatch ->
(* On all other platforms, try to use fswatch. fswatch's event filtering is
not reliable (at least on Linux), so don't try to use it, instead act on
Expand All @@ -282,43 +239,23 @@ let command ~root ~backend =
@ [ "--include"; inotify_special_path ]
@ excludes
, (fun s -> Ok s)
, None )
, fun s -> Ok s )

let select_watcher_backend ~use_inotify_lib =
let select_watcher_backend () =
let try_fswatch () =
(Bin.which ~path:(Env.path Env.initial) "fswatch")
~f:(fun fswatch -> `Fswatch fswatch)
let try_inotifywait () =
(Bin.which ~path:(Env.path Env.initial) "inotifywait")
~f:(fun inotifywait -> `Inotifywait inotifywait)
let error str = User_error.raise [ Pp.text str ] in
match Sys.linux with
| false -> (
match try_fswatch () with
| Some res -> res
| None -> error "Please install fswatch to enable watch mode.")
| true -> (
if use_inotify_lib then (
assert (Ocaml_inotify.Inotify.supported_by_the_os ());
) else
match try_inotifywait () with
| Some res -> res
| None -> (
match try_fswatch () with
| Some res -> res
| None ->
[ Pp.text
"Please install inotifywait to enable watch mode. If \
inotifywait is unavailable, fswatch may also be used but will \
result in a worse experience."
| true ->
assert (Ocaml_inotify.Inotify.supported_by_the_os ());

let emit_sync () =
Io.write_file ( (special_file_for_inotify_sync ())) "z"
Expand All @@ -329,21 +266,11 @@ let prepare_sync () =

let spawn_external_watcher ~root ~backend =
prepare_sync ();
let prog, args, parse_line, wait_for_start = command ~root ~backend in
let prog, args, parse_line = command ~root ~backend in
let prog = Path.to_absolute_filename prog in
let argv = prog :: args in
let r_stdout, w_stdout = Unix.pipe () in
let stderr, wait =
match wait_for_start with
| None -> (None, fun () -> ())
| Some wait -> (
let r_stderr, w_stderr = Unix.pipe () in
( Some w_stderr
, fun () ->
match wait r_stderr with
| `Error -> failwith "error waiting for watches to be established"
| `Established -> () ))
let stderr, wait = (None, fun () -> ()) in
let pid = Spawn.spawn () ~prog ~argv ~stdout:w_stdout ?stderr |> Pid.of_int in
Unix.close w_stdout;
Option.iter stderr ~f:Unix.close;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,15 +404,15 @@ let create_inotifylib ~scheduler =
{ kind = Fine { inotify }; shutdown = `No_op; ignored_files }

let create_default ~scheduler =
match select_watcher_backend ~use_inotify_lib:true with
| (`Inotifywait _ | `Fswatch _) as backend ->
match select_watcher_backend () with
| `Fswatch _ as backend ->
create_external ~scheduler ~root:Path.root
~debounce_interval:(Some 0.5 (* seconds *)) ~backend
| `Inotify_lib -> create_inotifylib ~scheduler

let create_external ~root ~debounce_interval ~scheduler =
match select_watcher_backend ~use_inotify_lib:false with
| (`Inotifywait _ | `Fswatch _) as backend ->
match select_watcher_backend () with
| `Fswatch _ as backend ->
create_external ~root ~debounce_interval ~scheduler ~backend
| `Inotify_lib -> assert false

Expand Down

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