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Observe Agent

Code for the Observe agent and CLI. The agent code is based on the OpenTelemetry Collector.


To run the code you need to have golang v1.22.12 installed. Then you can run the following command to compile the binary.

go build -o observe-agent

Installing local builds on Mac or Linux

To install a local build of the agent as a Mac Launch Daemon or Linux Systemd service, run the following commands. First, build the release snapshot:

goreleaser release --snapshot --clean --verbose --single-target

Then, run the agent install script, pointing it to the snapshot build:

# For Mac
ZIP_DIR=./dist/darwin_arm64_v8.0/ ./scripts/ --token <token> --observe_url <observe_url>


# For Linux
ZIP_DIR=./dist/linux_amd64_v1/observe-agent_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz ./scripts/ --token <token> --observe_url <observe_url>

Adding new components

Before adding new components, you'll need to install the Otel Collector Builder tool. If you're running on mac and arm64 (M chips) you can run the following command

make install-ocb

Otherwise, see instructions to install at []

To add new components, you can modify the builder-config.yaml file. Add the component to the correct section and then run the following command.

make build-ocb

This command should add the new dependencies and code in the correct places. You can build the agent afterwards with go build to confirm.

Afterwards, you should add the new component to the Components section below.


To start the observe agent after building the binary run the following command.

./observe-agent start


Current OTEL Collector Version: v0.118.0

This section lists the components that are included in the Observe Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Receivers Processors Exporters Extensions Connectors
awsecscontainermetrics attributes debug file_storage count
docker_stats batch file health_check forward
elasticsearch cumulativetodelta otlphttp pprof
filelog deltatocumulative prometheusremotewrite zpages
filestats filter
hostmetrics k8sattributes
httpcheck memory_limiter
iis observek8sattributes
journald probabilisticsampler
k8s_cluster redaction
k8sobjects resource
kafkametrics resourcedetection
kafka span
kubeletstats tailsampling
mongodb transform