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ObjectBox Go Database - simple but powerful; frugal but fast

The Golang database is easy to use via an intuitive native Golang API and persists objects superfast and sustainably.
Go and check out the performance benchmarks vs SQLite (GORM) & Storm.

ObjectBox persists your native Go structs using a simple CRUD API:

id, err := box.Put(&Person{ FirstName: "Joe", LastName:  "Green" })

Want details? Read the docs or check out the API reference.

Latest release: v1.8.1 (2024-08-29)

Table of Contents:

High-performance Go database

🏁 High performance on restricted devices, like IoT gateways, micro controllers, ECUs etc.
💚 Resourceful with minimal CPU, power and Memory usage for maximum flexibility and sustainability
🔗 Relations: object links / relationships are built-in
💻 Multiplatform: Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, macOS

🌱 Scalable: handling millions of objects resource-efficiently with ease
💐 Queries: filter data as needed, even across relations
🦮 Statically typed: compile time checks & optimizations
📃 Automatic schema migrations: no update scripts needed

And much more than just data persistence
👥 ObjectBox Sync: keeps data in sync between devices and servers
🕒 ObjectBox TS: time series extension for time based data

Getting started: Go!

To install ObjectBox, execute the following command in your project directory. You can have a look at installation docs for more details and further instructions.

bash <(curl -s

To install ObjectBox Sync variant of the library, pass --sync argument to the command above:

bash <(curl -s --sync

You can run tests to validate your installation

go test

With the dependencies installed, you can start adding entities to your project:

//go:generate go run Task struct {
	Id   uint64
	Text string

And run code generation in your project dir

go generate ./...

This generates a few files in the same folder as the entity - remember to add those to version control (e. g. git).

Once code generation finished successfully, you can start using ObjectBox:

obx := objectbox.NewBuilder().Model(ObjectBoxModel()).Build()
box := BoxForTask(obx) // Generated function to provide a Box for Task objects
id, _ := box.Put(&Task{ Text: "Buy milk" })

See the Getting started section of our docs for a more thorough intro.

Also, please have a look at the examples directory and for the API reference see ObjectBox GoDocs - and the sources in this repo.

Already using ObjectBox Database?

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We believe, ObjectBox is super easy to use. We are on a mission to make developers’ lives better, by building developer tools that are intuitive and fun to code with. To do that, we want your feedback: what do you love? What's amiss? Where do you struggle in everyday app development?

We're looking forward to receiving your comments and requests:

  • Add GitHub issues
  • Upvote issues you find important by hitting the 👍/+1 reaction button
  • Drop us a line via @ObjectBox_io
  • ⭐ us, if you like what you see

Thank you! 🙏

Keep in touch: For general news on ObjectBox, check our blog!

Upgrading to a newer version

When you want to update, please re-run the entire installation process to ensure all components are updated:

  • ObjectBox itself (objectbox/objectbox-go)
  • Dependencies (flatbuffers)
  • ObjectBox library (|dylib; objectbox.dll)
  • ObjectBox code generator

This is important as diverging versions of any component might result in errors.

The script can also be used for upgrading:

bash <(curl -s

Afterwards, don't forget to re-run the code generation on your project

go generate ./...

Other languages/bindings

ObjectBox supports multiple platforms and languages:


Copyright 2018-2024 ObjectBox Ltd. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.