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Releases: nyxb-ui/ui


11 Jul 12:12
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   🚀 Features

  • chart-pie-interactive.tsx:
    • Add new interactive pie chart component  -  by @nyxb (56554)
  • charts:
    • Add various chart components and pages for chart display  -  by @nyxb (6c39c)
  • cli:
    • Set default project directory to './' in template command  -  by @nyxb (4aac2)
    • Update template fetch to use GitHub API v3 and main branch  -  by @nyxb (027ca)
    • Update template command to use predefined templates and prompt for project directory  -  by @nyxb (1e6bd)
  • docs:
    • Add examples for mode toggle using Dropdown Menu and Toggle Group  -  by @nyxb (e38fe)
  • docs.ts): add chartsNav to DocsConfig for chart documentation ♻️ refactor(blocks.ts): update import paths and add error handling ✨ feat(events.ts): add new event types for chart interactions 🧹 chore(package.json): update dependencies and remove unused packages 🎨 style(themes.css): update theme variables and add new themes ✨ feat(eslint.config.mjs:
    • Add TailwindCSS settings and rules to ESLint configuration  -  by @nyxb (26905)
  • examples.ts:
    • Add new chart demo examples to the registry  -  by @nyxb (73b22)
  • miami:
    • Add various radar and radial chart components  -  by @nyxb (0b0cc)
  • tooltip:
    • Add TooltipWithToggleDemo component to registry  -  by @nyxb in #5 (8e416)
  • turbo.json:
  • web:
    • Add various chart components for Miami registry  -  by @nyxb (e4f7c)
    • Add various chart components for data visualization  -  by @nyxb (ddf3b)
    • Add various chart components to the registry  -  by @nyxb (614de)
    • Add various chart components for data visualization  -  by @nyxb (01bc1)
    • Add chart components and configurations for various chart types  -  by @nyxb (28f96)
    • Add various chart components and utility functions  -  by @nyxb (f22ac)
    • Add various chart components with different configurations  -  by @nyxb (9c6cd)
    • Add showcase and marketing pages with dynamic routing  -  by @nyxb (8c4b7)
  • web/registry/miami:

   🐞 Bug Fixes

  • package.json:
    • Downgrade pnpm version from 9.4.0 to 9.0.6 for compatibility  -  by @nyxb (62e40)
    • Separate lint and typecheck commands for clarity  -  by @nyxb (5e5f9)
    • Remove redundant build:env command from typecheck script  -  by @nyxb (de290)
    • Remove redundant build:registry script from build command  -  by @nyxb (0c6d9)
  • page.tsx:
    • Correct import extension from .mjs to .mts  -  by @nyxb (02694)
  • template.ts:
    • Correct DEFAULT_REGISTRY URL to include missing 'templates' directory  -  by @nyxb (61492)
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30 Jun 09:47
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   🚀 Features

  • Add new components and examples for scroll-progress and video-modal  -  by @nyxb (4622a)
  • Add ScratchToReveal component and demo  -  by @nyxb (7a51e)
  • abc.tsx: Add new abc component  -  by @nyxb (e7709)
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24 Jun 17:43
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   🚀 Features

  • schema.json: Add new JSON schema for app configuration to ensure data integrity and provide a structured format for app settings  -  by @nyxb (cc83d)

   🐞 Bug Fixes

  • config: Update GitHub URLs and social links in site configuration files for consistency and to reflect new branding changes  -  by @nyxb (f6a56)
  • schema.json: Update enum value to "miami" to reflect the new design standard  -  by @nyxb (100c2)
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24 Jun 08:14
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   🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Correct email placeholder typos across multiple components to ensure proper email format display  -  by @nyxb (b869d)
  • icons.tsx: Remove Instagram icon from exported icons to comply with brand guidelines  -  by @nyxb (5e245)
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24 Jun 06:32
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   🚀 Features

  • Add new utility functions and schemas for CLI registry management  -  by @nyxb (037a4)
  • Add multiple new animated feature card components for enhanced UI interactivity and visual appeal  -  by @nyxb (1891b)
  • Add multiple UI components for Miami theme  -  by @nyxb (70eea)
  • Add new UI components and example cards for Miami theme  -  by @nyxb (42e5b)
  • Add multiple new UI components and example cards for enhanced functionality and user interaction  -  by @nyxb (e2926)
  • Add multiple new UI components and examples for the Miami design system  -  by @nyxb (282c3)
  • Add new example components for UI elements in Miami registry  -  by @nyxb (17e41)
  • Add multiple new UI component examples for the Miami design system  -  by @nyxb (1c7ba)
  • Add multiple UI component examples for Miami design system  -  by @nyxb (cc33b)
  • Add multiple UI component examples and dialogs for enhanced UX  -  by @nyxb (2370d)
  • Add multiple new UI component examples for the web app  -  by @nyxb (ee372)
  • Add various new dashboard components and utilities for enhanced management and display capabilities  -  by @nyxb (f1f92)
  • Add new UI components, examples, and special effects to the registry  -  by @nyxb (5284b)
  • Add multiple new hooks, utilities, and components for enhanced functionality and interactivity in the web app  -  by @nyxb (a8e33)
  • Add new UI components and documentation for enhanced user interface and developer guidance  -  by @nyxb (629ec)
  • Add new documentation and marketing pages, layouts, and components for enhanced user navigation and SEO compliance  -  by @nyxb (35f31)
  • Add new data, schema, and seed files for tasks example 📘 aio: add new layout and pages for sink and themes in web app 📘 aio: add new tabs component for themes page in web app 📘 aio: add new page component for blocks style and name in web app 🧹 chore: add new components for block display and handling in web app 🧹 chore: add utility for highlighting code in web app  -  by @nyxb (68df1)
  • Add new components for the playground examples and tasks modules  -  by @nyxb (c85d0)
  • Add new components for sidebar navigation, display forms, and notifications handling in forms module  -  by @nyxb (e3801)
  • Add new components for various UI elements and forms for a web application  -  by @nyxb (ccafd)
  • Add multiple new components and pages for web app  -  by @nyxb (e424b)
  • Add documentation for InputPhone and PulsatingButton components to enhance developer understanding and usage of these UI components.  -  by @nyxb (b7ca1)
  • Add multiple new timeline components and examples across different registries to enhance UI libraries with structured project management visuals  -  by @nyxb (ebbcb)
  • Add new UI components and examples related to animations and UI enhancements  -  by @nyxb (2b1fe)
  • Add stepper component and examples to the registry and update related configurations and animations for collapsible elements  -  by @nyxb (36def)
  • Add new 'Tour' component across various registries and examples, including UI and example implementations, to enhance interactive user guidance capabilities  -  by @nyxb (82060)
  • Add carousel dots component and integrate it across platforms  -  by @nyxb (662ff)
  • Add new slider and tooltip examples and update existing components to support new features  -  by @nyxb (482b7)
  • Add multi-select component across various modules and examples to enhance UI capabilities  -  by @nyxb (ddc0e)
  • Add new Next.js template with full setup for VSCode, Tailwind CSS, and essential components  -  by @nyxb (1ff63)
  • registry/index.tsx:
    • Add new UI components 'pulsating-button' and 'input-phone' to the registry for better modularity and reusability  -  by @nyxb (b54bf)
  • app/api/og:
    • Add new Open Graph image generation endpoint  -  by @nyxb (e5b72)
  • apps/web:
    • Add multiple UI component examples for enhanced development testing and documentation  -  by @nyxb (c043e)
  • apps/web/registry:
    • Add new UI components and demos for pulsating buttons and input phone fields  -  by @nyxb (eab89)
  • apps/web/registry/miami:
    • Add multiple UI component examples for enhanced development and testing  -  by @nyxb (6d65f)
  • apps/web/registry/miami/example:
  • apps/web/registry/special:
    • Add multiple new animated components for enhanced UI effects  -  by @nyxb (167cd)
    • Add multiple animated components for enhanced UI effects  -  by @nyxb (c7098)
  • apps/web/registry/special/example:
    • Add multiple demo components for UI elements  -  by @nyxb (4faed)
    • Add multiple interactive components for enhanced UI experience  -  by @nyxb (a21df)
  • authentication-04.tsx:
    • Add login page with form and cover image  -  by @nyxb (8ca14)
  • cli:
    • Add new T3 app template with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript configurations  -  by @nyxb (a06d0)
    • Add new Next.js app and page templates with TailwindCSS and TypeScript configurations  -  by @nyxb (f7937)
    • Add new Next.js app templates and configurations for enhanced project scaffolding and better development experience. This includes initial setup files like favicon, global styles, layout components, and configuration files for TailwindCSS, PostCSS, and TypeScript.  -  by @nyxb (3f416)
  • cli/test:
    • Add new test fixtures for npm, pnpm, yarn, and src projects to enhance testing capabilities across different package managers and project structures  -  by @nyxb (e4cd7)
  • cli/test/fixtures:
    • Add new Next.js project structure for testing  -  by @nyxb (4c999)
    • Add comprehensive Next.js project structure for testing  -  by @nyxb (f0164)
  • create-turbo:
  • dashboard-07.tsx:
    • Add product edit page with forms for details, stock, category, status, and images  -  by @nyxb (13988)
  • docs:
    • Add Date Range Picker section to date-picker component documentation  -  by @nyxb (27a70)
    • Add Phone Input link to form component documentation for enhanced user guidance  -  by @nyxb [(670c8)](670c8...
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