This is the Python project , done as a part of python elective course.
- save - to load the data to the database
- query - to query the database
- close - to close the connection with the server
<li> SELECT mobiles FROM 'company' WITH 'features' </li>
<li>conditions: </li>
<li> Companies can be any company.To search in all the companies give company name as 'all'</li>
<li> Features must be specified as follows \n \t feature operator value</li>
<li> WITH clause is mandatory</li>
<li>To get multiple the info of mobile with two or more features seperate each feature with an 'AND'</li>
<li> Operators supported : '=', '<', '>'</li>
<li>features list <ul>
<li> operatingsystem</li>
<li> frontcamera</li>
<li> rearcamera</li>
<li> model</li>
<li> thickness</li>
<li> talktime</li>
<li> GPS </li>
<li> type</li>
<p>To check for the existence give 00mp for camera specifications
Example query:
Say a user wants to get the info of samsung mobiles with windows os and price less than
<br>10000Rs and with GPS and with rearcamera
The query will be
SELECT mobiles FROM Samsung WITH operatingsystem = windows and cost < 10000
<br>AND GPS = yes AND rearcamera > 0
<h4>Later stages of the project</h4>
<li>The inmemory database is organised according to company names : each company directory contains <br>
the mobile data of that company - A kind of abstration which makes searching very easier.
<li> As a part of this project a sockect client and socket sever which<br> serves multiple clients are implemented</li>
<li> A simple web server is written in python which seves multiple <br>clients using rest API(JSON is used here).</li>
<li> The data is crawled from the website using regex <br> and later regex is substitudes with beatiful soup libray for crawling </li>
<li> The database used to store the data is mongodb. In the earlier stages of this project <br>
an in memory databse is used. </li>
<li>The project is comepletly ported to google app engine cloud and <br>it uses google data store as database management system</li>
<p> <a href="">Site </a>
<img src=""></p></p>
<li> Bhuvan ([email protected]) </li>
<li> Venkatesh ([email protected])</li>
<li> Pravardhan ([email protected]) </li>
<li> Bhuvan ([email protected]) </li>
<li> Venkatesh ([email protected])</li>
<li> Pravardhan ([email protected]) </li>