This is the v2 backend for Numu Tracker, written in PHP. v1 was very sloppy and this was meant to be a cleaner rebuild with a more optimized database. There are two parts to the backend. One part is dedicated to pulling information into the local database from the Musicbrainz API, and the second part is a REST-like API to support the Numu Tracker iOS application.
There's also a roughshod website version in the /website/ directory. As of March 10th, 2018, you can see the website in action at
Built November 2016.
This API was built to support the iOS app, but in theory could support an app for any platform.
Github: App Store:
New version built in Django with more improvements is in development!
- Import database.sql into your MySQL database.
- Install composer dependencies (just Pusher)
- Rename example.database.php to database.php and insert your MySQL details.
- Open download_lastfm_artists.php, scan_for_album_art.php, and scan_for_artist_art.php and put in your own LastFM API key.
- Opn push_notifications.php and insert Pusher account info if you want to process notifications.
From there the API won't work until you set up a user, import some artists through the API, and then start running backend.php periodically to create and import artist information from MusicBrainz.
The JSON API accepts a variety of commands, uses basic auth, and is accessible via json.php. Here's some examples of queries it can return.
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