A framework for out-of-core and parallel computing
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At the core of Dagger.jl is a scheduler heavily inspired by Dask. It can run computations represented as directed-acyclic-graphs (DAGs) efficiently on many Julia worker processes and threads, as well as GPUs via DaggerGPU.jl.
You can install Dagger by typing
julia> ] add Dagger
Once installed, the Dagger
package can by used like so
using Distributed; addprocs() # get us some workers
using Dagger
# do some stuff in parallel!
a = Dagger.@spawn 1+3
b = Dagger.@spawn rand(a, 4)
c = Dagger.@spawn sum(b)
fetch(c) # some number!
We thank DARPA, Intel, and the NIH for supporting this work at MIT.