This is a bare minimal example for the Cortex-M boards STM32F103 Nucleo & MSP432 Launchpad.
- GNU ARM Toolchain
- GNU make
- OpenOCD
NOTE For MSP432, upstream OpenOCD is unable to write the firmware into flash. TI OpenOCD is required for progamming the flash (You have to compile it from source). For Arch Linux, a PKGBUILD is avilable here.
To build the executable, cd
into the folder, open the console and
$ make
To flash the executable onto the board,
$ make flash
sudo may be required to flash the image onto MSP432 if udev rules are not set.
For the example "02-libopencm3-hello", it is required to build libopencm3 first,
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ cd libopencm3
$ make