SharpConfig is an easy-to-use CFG/INI configuration library for .NET.
You can use SharpConfig in your .NET applications to add the functionality to read, modify and save configuration files and streams, in either text or binary format.
If SharpConfig has helped you and you feel like donating, feel free! Donations help to keep the development of SharpConfig active.
A configuration file example:
# a comment
SomeString = Hello World!
SomeInteger = 10 # an inline comment
SomeFloat = 20.05
ABoolean = true
To read these values, your C# code would look like:
Configuration config = Configuration.LoadFromFile( "sample.cfg" );
Section section = config["General"];
string someString = section["SomeString"].Value;
int someInteger = section["SomeInteger"].GetValue<int>();
float someFloat = section["SomeFloat"].GetValue<float>();
SharpConfig is also able to parse enumerations. For example you have a configuration like this:
Day = Monday
It is now possible to read this value as a System.DayOfWeek enum, because Monday is present there. An example of how to read it:
DayOfWeek day = config["DateInfo"]["Day"].GetValue<DayOfWeek>();
Arrays are also supported in SharpConfig. For example you have a configuration like this:
MyArray = {0,2,5,6}
This array can be interpreted as any type array that can be converted from 0, 2, 5 and 6, for example int, float, double, char, byte, string etc.
Reading this array is simple:
object[] myArray = config["General"]["MyArray"].GetValue<object[]>();
// Create the configuration.
var myConfig = new Configuration();
// Set some values.
// This will automatically create the sections and settings.
myConfig["Video"]["Width"].Value = "1920";
myConfig["Video"]["Height"].Value = "1080";
// Set an array value.
myConfig["Video"]["Formats"].SetValue( new string[] { "RGB32", "RGBA32" } );
foreach ( var section in myConfig )
foreach ( var setting in section )
myConfig.Save( "myConfig.cfg" ); // Save to a text-based file.
myConfig.Save( myStream ); // Save to a text-based stream.
myConfig.SaveBinary( "myConfig.cfg" ); // Save to a binary file.
myConfig.SaveBinary( myStream ); // Save to a binary stream.
A nice-to-have in SharpConfig is the mapping of sections to objects. If you have a class and enumeration in C# like this:
class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
enum Gender
It is possible to create an object straight from the configuration file:
Name = Peter
Age = 50
Gender = Male
Like this:
Person person = config["Person"].CreateObject<Person>();
Note: The mapping only works on classes, public properties and primitive data types (int, bool, enums ...).
If you already have a Person object and don't want to create a new one, you can use the MapTo method:
You can install SharpConfig via the following NuGet command:
Install-Package sharpconfig