Purge cache handling
- Versioned DataObject purging, when that DataObject can be represented by one or more URLs
- Purge hosts, tags, prefixes (for Enterprise Cloudflare accounts)
- Permissions for administration access to purging
- Purge all in zone via a queued job
See composer.json for specifics.
composer require nswdpc/silverstripe-oldmantium
See License
Documentation: https://developers.cloudflare.com/api/get-started/create-token/
- Create Custom Token, give it a name
- Zone / Cache Purge / Purge
- Include Zone / Specific Zone / < zone >
- Client IP Address filtering: restrict access to token
- TTL, if required
enabled: true
auth_token: '<auth_token>'
zone_id: '<zone_id>'
# Optional, specify a URL to use instead of Director::baseURL()
base_url: 'https://www.example.com/'
Give a Versioned DataObject
the ability to purge from Cloudfront cache
- 'NSWDPC\Utilities\Cloudflare\DataObjectPurgeable'
When My\Namespaced\Record
is published or unpublished, the corresponding URLCachePurgeJob will be created as a queued job.
Add maintainers here or include authors in composer
Link to the the issue/bug tracker URL
If you would like to make contributions to the module please ensure you raise a pull request and discuss with the module maintainers.