Scope of project:
- Indexing functionality
- E2E Test
- CICD Pipeline (Github actions)
Blockchain data is optimized for serialized writes, one block at a time, as the chain is being created. Querying the blockchain for data about a specific block or account is fairly straightforward or a "narrow" query. However, querying data across many blocks can be cumbersome because we have to aggregate results from multiple single-block queries. Therefore, we can consider these "wide" queries. An example of a wide query would be summing the total volume of transactions generated from 2020 to 2022.
Block: A block records some or all of the most recent transactions that have not yet entered any prior blocks. Thus, a block is like a page of a ledger or record book. Each time a block is created, it gives way to the next block in the blockchain. A block is uniquely identified by its hash, and will have a reference to its predecessor's hash.
Enter the blockchain Indexer, whose sole objective is to make querying blockchain data fast and easy. For this project, an indexer is implemented to index the ~200 block data provided in test/resources/200.json
. The indexer will enable one to make "wide" and efficient query within the millisecond range.
To enable this, stream of block data will be process, indexed and written to a permanent database for later data analysis using a convenient database query language like SQL. Utilizing an external database instead of indexing the block data in-memory makes the solution more scalable as the size of data grows.
├─ block-0/transactions[]
│ ├─ transaction-0
│ │ ├─ [vins]
│ │ │ ├─ vin-0
│ │ │ └─ vin-1
│ │ └─ [vouts]
│ │ ├─ vout-0
│ │ └─ vout-1
│ ├─ transaction-1
│ └─ transaction-2
├─ block-1
├─ block-2
Above shows the high-level schema of the block data. Within a network, there are many blocks. Within each block, there are many transactions. Within each transaction, it involves one or more addresses. As the data is largely relational, a sql-based database like PostgreSQL is ideal. Data in our database will be modelled according to the entity relationship diagram (ERD) shown below:
erDiagram Block }|--|{ Transactions : has Block
string id
string hash
string next-block-hash
boolean verified
integer height
jsonb data
timestamp time
} Transactions ||--|{ ADDRESS-TRANSACTIONS : involves Transactions
string id
string block-hash
string txn-hash
jsonb data
string id
string address
string txn-hash
This section aims to capture implementation details at a high-level.
The canonical blockchain is the main chain that contains blocks and continues to grow in time.
Each block can potentially point to a next block. However, during the processing interval of that current block, it is unknown if it is part of the main chain. A block can only be part of the main chain, if the next (successor) block also refers the current block as its previous (predecessor) block.
The indexer processes the block one at a time, and hence it is only at interval i+1 will it be able to update a block at i that it is the main block. Following is a pseudo code:
- Process current block at height
in iterationi
- Insert block_i with
state set to NULL - Update
state of all blocks at heightH-1
to false. - Get prev block of block_i, block_i-1
- Update
state of block_i-1 to true.
Subsequently, when querying block at a particular height H, the following SQL can ensure the resulting block is part of the canonical chain.
select block_hash from block_repository where height = H and verified = true
Following is a sequence diagram of how the blockchain indexing is implemented.
participant application
participant blockRepository
participant blockTxnRepository
participant addressTxnRepository
loop over each block
application-->>blockRepository: Insert new block entity (default 'verified' state NULL)
Note over blockRepository: Insert block
alt Block height > 0
application-->>blockRepository: Update 'verified' state of all blocks at height: h-1 to 'false'
Note over blockRepository: Update blocks
application-->>application: extract prevBlockHash
application-->>blockRepository: Update 'verified' state of prev block to 'true' (*this block is part of canonical chain)
Note over blockRepository: Update block
loop over each block's transaction
application-->>blockTxnRepository: Insert new block-transaction entity
Note over blockTxnRepository: Insert txn
loop over each transaction.vout.scriptPubKey.address
application-->>addressTxnRepository: Insert new txn-address entity
Note over addressTxnRepository: Insert address
- Using columnar database
Columnar database is a column-oriented storage for database. It is optimized for fast retrieval of data columns, for example for analytical applications. It significantly reduces the overall disk I/O requirements and limits the amount of data you need to load from the disk.
Some examples include Snowflake, Google BigQuery or AWS redshift. These databases allow for extremely fast analytical queries that involves joining of multiple tables and conditions.
- Separate indexer from API service
Indexer can be a separated into another micro-service that streams, process, index, and persist block data for subsequent analytical query. This reduces the load on the main API service that serves user's wide queries.
Clone repo
git clone
We will be using PostgreSQL locally with docker. Hence add
file to root directory. Note: SettingINIT_INDEXER
to true will enable the blockchain indexer to load the JSON test data and store the data in the local PostgreSQL database.POSTGRES_USERNAME="postgres" POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" POSTGRES_DATABASE="postgres" POSTGRES_HOST="db" POSTGRES_TIMEZONE="Asia/Singapore" INIT_INDEXER=true
To run the application:
docker-compose up
Wait for all container to run. Once the logs are seen, head to swagger (localhost:3000/api
) to play with the APIs 💥
host:port/path | resource | description |
localhost:3000/api | api swagger doc | primitive/ aggregate endpoints can be tested here |
localhost:8080/ | database management tool | use the credentials configured in your env file |
- Run only the DB svc
docker-compose up db
- Run e2e test
// change postgress host to 'localhost' in .env file POSTGRES_HOST="localhost" // run script npm run test