This package loads config information into a struct. It uses viper.
go get
Consider this example config content
// config/config.json
"Meta": {
"environment": "development",
"service_name": "my-app"
"port": 6002,
"bugsnag_api_key": "",
"segment_write_key": "",
"log_level": "error"
In the file you want to load the config in do the following:
// config/config.go
import (
// this MyAppConfig struct is the "custom struct" it has the same attributes that mirror the config json above
type MyAppConfig struct {
Meta config.MetaConfig
Port int `mapstructure:"port"`
BugsnagAPIKey string `mapstructure:"bugsnag_api_key"`
LogLevel string `mapstructure:"log_level"`
PrometheusPort int `mapstructure:"prometheus_port"`
SegmentWriteKey string `mapstructure:"segment_write_key"`
//go:embed config.json config_test.json
var fs embed.FS
// the definition of our two paramaters
var (
Config MyAppConfig
func init() {
err := config.Load(fs, &Config) // now the config data has been loaded into Config
if err != nil {
This project is licensed under the MIT License.