Monolog handler for journald (systemd). This package does not depend on a systemd PHP extension.
Logs are being written directly to the journald socket. It uses LineFormatter
for message formatting, but with a modified format, in order to remove timestamp from the message.
The formatter can be changed with $handler->setFormatter();
- Support for custom tags (using monolog context/extra fields)
- Multiline log support
- Exception file and line log tags
Install with composer: composer require noxdk/monolog-journal-handler
Argument | Description | Default value |
$path |
The path to the journald socket | /run/systemd/journal/socket |
$level |
The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered | Level::DEBUG |
$bubble |
Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not | true |
Simple log entry:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Monolog\Logger;
use Noxdk\MonologJournalHandler\JournalHandler;
$log = new Logger('MyLogger', [new JournalHandler()]);
$log->info('This is logged to the journal');
nov 20 10:08:14 host MyLogger[1]: INFO: This is logged to the journal
Multiple lines:
$log->info("This is logged to the journal\nand contains multiple\nlines");
nov 20 10:08:14 host MyLogger[1]: INFO: This is logged to the journal
and contains multiple
Custom tags (journal entry as trimmed json output):
$log->info('This is logged to the journal with custom tag', [
'MY_TAG' => 'MyTag',
'ANOTHER_TAG' => "With\nnewlines"
nov 20 10:08:14 host MyLogger[1]: INFO: This is logged to the journal with custom tag {"MY_TAG":"MyTag","ANOTHER_TAG":"With
"_HOSTNAME": "host",
"_UID": "1000",
"MY_TAG": "MyTag",
"ANOTHER_TAG": "With\nnewlines",
"MESSAGE": "INFO: This is logged to the journal with custom tag {\"MY_TAG\":\"MyTag\",\"ANOTHER_TAG\":\"With\nnewlines\"} ",
"PRIORITY": "6",
"_CMDLINE": "php test.php",
Exception log:
$log->error('Some error occurred', [new Exception('Bad something')]);
nov 20 10:08:14 host MyLogger[1]: ERROR: Some error occurred ["[object] (Exception(code: 0): Bad something at /test.php:18)
#0 /test.php(13): TestClass->update()
#1 /test.php(22): TestClass->__construct()
#2 {main}