You can quickly start with pre-built docker image.
docker pull
You can run mclauncher on Cloud Run by clicking this button.
- You should add
for your Minecraft server instance to the service account used for the Cloud Run service. If you want to minimize permissions, you can create your own custom role. - Firestore and Firebase Authentication must be initialized. For now, mclauncher supports only Google provider for Firebase Authentication.
Environment variables:
(required) - email of service account which calls/shutter
(required) - used for Firebase Authentication and Firestore.FIREBASE_CONFIG_JSON
(optional) - default ismclauncher
(optional) - default is4
(optional) - If the count of consecutive vacant of the server counted by/shutter
exceeds this count,/shutter
shuts down the instance.
Install dependencies with poetry.
poetry install
Run Firestore emulator.
firebase emulators:start
Set environment variables.
export FIREBASE_CONFIG_JSON='{"apiKey":"...", ...}'
export FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS_JSON="$(cat firebase.credentials.json)"
export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST="localhost:8080"
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="$(pwd)/gcpproject.credentials.json"
export INSTANCE_ZONE="asia-northeast1-a"
export INSTANCE_NAME="minecraft-instance"
export SHUTTER_AUTHORIZED_EMAIL="[email protected]"
If you haven't added your email as an authorized user, run tools/
poetry run python tools/ [email protected]
Run the development server.
poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload
Or you can run and debug with Ctrl + Shift + D
You can forward ports. See the detail: Forwarding ports in your codespace - GitHub Docs.
poetry run pytest