Live Version:
Follow the project progress at: ETC Block Explorer Development
Clone the repo
git clone
Download Nodejs and npm if you don't have them
Install dependencies:
npm install
Install mongodb:
MacOS: brew install mongodb
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
This will fetch and parse the entire blockchain.
Configuration file: /tools/config.json
Basic settings:
"gethPort": 8545,
"blocks": [ {"start": 2000000, "end": "latest"}],
"quiet": false,
"terminateAtExistingDB": true,
"listenOnly": false
is a list of blocks to grab. It can be specified as a list of block numbers or an interval of block numbers. When specified as an interval, it will start at the end
block and keep recording decreasing block numbers.
will terminate the block grabber once it gets to a block it has already stored in the DB.
prints out the log of what it is doing.
When true, the grabber will create a filter to receive the latest blocks from geth as they arrive. It will not continue to populate older block numbers.
Note: When listenOnly
is set to true
, the blocks
option is ignored.
Note 2: terminateAtExistingDB
and listenOnly
are mutually exclusive. Do not use terminateAtExistingDB
when in listenOnly
node ./tools/grabber.js
Leave this running in the background to continuously fetch new blocks.
Tools for updating network stats are under development, but can be found in: