Hello World!
Here is a little application using a custom View from google android source sample (a little tweaked) to make a little sketch tool. It is a very limited application with a little set of feature such as pen size, pen color, save/view/share, and a redo option.
At some point you can view some custom images or ear some strange sound made of bip and blop if you run this application.
About this part:
- The sound is from a guy called clawz, and if you like it you can found more of it here.
- The textured font is from an old archive downloaded from a forum, it was used in some Atari ST intro I think. If you have more details about it please tell me.
- The sound player used is muxm and it work pretty well on android since years :) You can find more informations here.
- All the rendering is done using OpenGL ES 2.0 in pure Java (no native call) and a custom pixel shader to rotate and scale the differents sprites on screen.
Credits :
- Picasso
- zoomage
- Room
- Leakcanary
- And the common AppCompat libraries